After almost 3 years of varying quality remission the recent CT has shown new lesions in liver. I am back on the chemo again. Some things I had forgotten. I had expected the constipation. No one forgets that side effect, do they? I had forgotten the "foot and mouth" disease though. My feet are killing me. The neuropathy has never quite gone away so I guess it will be worse. I am shopping for memory foam shoes and slippers. Woke yesterday with awful sore throat. I knew the Nystatin needed to be used but had forgotten the disposable aspirin. Apparently they now recommend salt water. Not sure that is going to be strong enough. Salt water and nausea? I am seeing a problem there. Oh well onwards and upwards. 😊
The blighter is back: After almost 3 years of... - My Ovacome
The blighter is back

So sorry you are back on the chemo and having these side effects. Acupuncture helped my neuropathy and ginger tea (grated organic ginger in hot water) eased my nausea constantly, hope they may give you some relief. Sending positive thoughts and wishes to get you through this recurrence and hope you get a good long remission from this treatment. Stay strong , take care x
Thanks Perthgirl. Is that Scotland or Oz? I have the ginger root in but havent tried the acupuncture. Might check at the cancer centre when I next go, I get reflexology there. Every day is a bonus. Hope you are doing ok.
It is Perth in oz! 😀 hope the acupuncture will help you as much as it did me. I am doing good thanks, about to have first PET scan since surgery and end of chemo so am nervous but strong!! Thinking of you and hoping you get some relief soon xx
Hi there, so sorry it's come back. I finished my 3rd line recently it's not easy but try & look forward to the end. Where hopefully you will be back in remission. The side effects are really horrid. Try & be good to yourself take care Cindyxx
Thanks Cindy. 2 more doses and then another CT in November then we'll know where we are. 😊
Yogurt with active cultures goes a long way with helping the mouth soreness and with constipation if you don't mind the taste and texture of it. I had to take a ton of ABT before my hysterectomy and the nystatin just didn't do it by itself so I ate not much more than yogurt 5 or 6 times a day for almost a week before I felt better. I hope they get you something to help with the neuropathy soon. Pain is so awful. I hate to hear of people being in pain. Well wishes and prayers for healing sent your way.
Oh bugger. I’m so sorry it’s back. And sorry that advancements in technology mean the side effects haven’t changed in the last 3 years.... I’ve just had a spate of mouth ulcers from taking methotrexate for something not cancer related. I didn’t my get them with chemo but am feeling a lot more empathetic towards people who do. They’re awful! I do recall my oncologist suggested Manuka honey to a lady having chemo next to me. You just coat your mouth with it. I am from NZ (where Manuka honey is originally from) but you can get it in Australia and I suspect in the UK as well. There is some quite robust evidence that the active ingredients specifically in the Manuka (also known as tea tree) have antibacterial properties although in this case I think it acts like a nice Worthing coating. Certainly preferable to salt water!
Good luck with this next stage of slaying the beast xxkirsty
I couldn't gargle anything when the sickness kicks in. Pineapple ice cubes are great for ulcers and sore throat. So dig out that ice cube tray lol.
What's the long term treatment plan?
LA xx
Pineapple ice cubes sounds good. I have to say this has been a rough week. Have been taking Oromorph and pain killers and slept most of today. The plan is to have 3 doses and review. It is palliative chemo not curative so will seee how I go.