I recently had an ovarian cyst and my left ovary removed. I received a phone call today telling me that it was a borderline cancer tumor I've been told its of low malignancy and non invasive but as you might imagine I'm scared. Im waiting on an appointment coming through to discuss options properly. I'm wondering if anyone here has any experience.
Borderline tumour: I recently had an ovarian cyst... - My Ovacome
Borderline tumour

Hi Merly. When I was first diagnosed it was with stage 3a Borderline serous OC (mostly non-invasive, with a few invasive low grade cells in the mix).
Borderline is good news, really. Those cells look almost like normal cells and they grow very slowly. Nonetheless.. even borderline tumours can cause trouble e.g. if they push on your bowel... and should therefore get removed.
If there are no invasive tumour cells present and the surgery was successful/optimal, the most common treatment could be just watch & wait and semi-regular blood checks and/or scans for the next years. Chemo is usually only recommended for invasive tumours, not borderline, but your oncologist will be the one to ask.
There's probably a good chance that it could stay away for good. A lesser chance that it might come back as low-grade OC. Again, I don't know your exact circumstances and am not a medical expert, so the best person to consult is .. your consultant.
Ovacome also has a very useful fact sheet on borderline OC: ovacome.org.uk/wp-content/u...
All the best. Maus
No experience of this but wishing you good luck.
Hi Merly,
Have a look at Mrs_Atko 's posts- she has posted regularly since being diagnosed. The Ovacome info sheet recommended is good and I also think there is a FB group just for women who have had Borderline tumours (I'm sorry, I don't have a link to it). Sx
I had a 22cm mucinous Borderline tumour, 1c, removed nearly 4 years ago. The way my consultant explained it to me was it was like cancer in some ways, but not in others. The cells aren't normal, but they don't invade and destroy other organs as cancer does. It's a good idea to remove both ovaries, because what happens to one, tends to happen to the other, but the tumours grow so slowly that it's possible to postpone this for a time if you want to have a family.
Some varieties of Borderline are in the process of turning into cancer, as with Maus. But this is only a small percentage. Most, if they come back, will still be Borderline and 'cured by surgery'. So the prognosis is very good. So good that it's controversial whether to describe it as cancer. (I think one of the official cancer sites actually says that Borderline is different from Ov Ca.) Some docs call it cancer, mine doesn't, which suits me fine.
I'm post-menopausal, so had uterus, ovaries and momentum removed and have been monitored with scans and blood tests since I had the surgery. I think I've another year to go but mostly I forget I ever had it.
Fingers crossed the same applies to you!
Hi Merly - sorry I’ve only just seen this but hopefully you’ve already found some useful information from all the lovely folk here. I ended up having two ops in 2016 - the first to remove a large 15cm) tumour, which came back stage 1a borderline mucinous and so i was referred to my onc for second op to remove right ovary, tube and appendix plus omentum biopsies & abdominal washings. No further treatment required (generally with borderlines, it’s surgery only). Come August this year I’ll have been 2 years clear. I’m 35. I see my onc every 3 months and I’m scanned (USS) every 6 months. I don’t have CA125 blood tests done as these aren’t generally a good indicator for mucinous tumours (they aren’t for me anyway). There is a great closed group on FaceBook for us borderliners...give it a whirl. Wishing you well for your recovery and hope you get a good monitoring programme that you’re happy with from your onc. Borderlines have a good prognosis so try to remain positive. Difficult I know. If you’d like to know anymore plz message me. Jemima xx
Thank you everyone. I've got an appointment later to discuss options.
Appointment was good. There was completion surgery on the table. But everything was limited to my ovary and given my age so I have gone with what my consultant recommended which is watch with ultrasounds every three months.