We are still planning to go ahead with Members Day, with a few changes.
We were scheduled to start at 10.30 am but we understand that potential travel disruptions will make this difficult. We will wait for the majority to arrive before we start but you will be able still join the sessions whatever time you arrive. We will also aim to finish the day earlier than planned, around 4.00 pm to allow people more time to travel home safely.
Please check the travel information in your area before you set off for Members Day and do not take any risks trying to attend.
If you are unable join us, we will be recording the presentations and these will be available to watch on our website roughly in one weeks’ time. We appreciate that many of you enjoy meeting each other as much as hearing from our speakers. With this in mind we hope to hold another Members Day later in the year with a schedule that allows plenty of time to meet and share experiences with others in similar positions.
If you have any concerns or questions today or tomorrow, you can contact us (Sonia) on the following email and number: s.vig@ovacome.org.uk or call 07427390504.
If you have contacted us to cancel already, thank you for keeping us posted!
Take care and stay warm,
The Ovacome Team