Wonderful NHS: I apologise in advance for length... - My Ovacome

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Wonderful NHS

Teresa_K profile image
14 Replies

I apologise in advance for length of this post but felt I had to let you all know how wonderful the NHS have been.

Last week I felt more tired and breathless than normal but thought day 11 post Caelyx number 2 so low RBC etc. District nurse rings each week to see how I am and she thought that I should talk to CNS. I did and their advice was to speak to GP or go to A&E. I spoke to GP who called the paramedics who arrived in 20 mins. After giving me the once over they decided I needed an ambulance to go to hospital. They used my red card and phoned ahead to make sure I was kept safe once at hospital, talking to both A&E and oncology. Ambulance turned up within 20 mins or so and whisked me off. Once in A&E was kept away from reception and the bear garden that is a normal part of A&E. Given oxygen, blood tests, XRay at the bed followed by CT scan. Diagnosis was very large embolism in left lung. Pain and breathing worse now.

Admitted to Acute Medical Unit with proper bed available at 3.00am.

Whilst in hospital for my mini break of 3 days was visited at least once a day by members of each of medical team, oncology team, my own oncologist, Macmillan nurse and once by care worker.

The nurses in the Unit work so hard with so much care and compassion I was completely overawed by their dedication. Having to deal with so many different issues and different patient types was incredible.

Since my return home I have been checked on by the Palliative Care Team (Home visit), phoned by district nurse and my GP who offered to visit me at home.

I feel so lucky to live in this country and this specific part of the country I could not have asked for better care over the last 10 days. It is wonderful.

Now I just need to feel better and for Caelyx to be working. Is that too greedy an ask?

Hope you all are doing well and that you receive as good care as I have done.

Love to you all


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Teresa_K profile image
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14 Replies
Cropcrop profile image

This is a really inspiring post, yes we do sometimes forget just how good our health service is especially as at the moment it is coming in for such criticism from the media and certain members of our parliamentary system.

I worked for the NHS and the pressures that are put on the frontline staff from both the patients (rightly so in most cases) and management (least said here soonest mended) are tremendous and the vast majority of staff are just true hero’s in my view. I’m so glad your treatment was so very well carried out and the chain of communication was kept tight and you were kept safe and treated really well with a positive outcome.

I hope you are feeling better very soon and that you are able to have the treatment you need and the one that is the best for you.

Take lots of care of you, lots of love and big hugs ❤️Xx Jane

Lyndy profile image

Yes the NHS is precious..glad you got through it all xx

Katmal-UK profile image

Our NHS and all that work there is something to be cherished, I sometimes think we all take it for granted sometimes. Hope you feel better soon xx

Lily-Anne profile image

I think the NHS can be fantastic. Which hospital were you in?

I’m intrigued by bear garden?

Hope you are feeling much better and hats off to your team

LA xx

Teresa_K profile image
Teresa_K in reply to Lily-Anne

Royal Brighton and Sussex University Hospital.

January-2016-UK profile image

This sounds a fantastic experience. I'm so pleased it worked so well for you, with everything being joined up properly, not always easy in such a huge organisation. I'm sure it contributed to your recovery.

Bear garden? Polar or brown bears?

Good luck with the Caelyx.

Teresa_K profile image
Teresa_K in reply to January-2016-UK

Old fashioned term from when there was bear baiting I think!! So loads of people milling around in some organised chaos with betting and drinking etc. I think brown and black bears not sure polar bears had been discovered !!!


January-2016-UK profile image
January-2016-UK in reply to Teresa_K

And I though it might have been teddy bears!

Sunfleury-UK profile image

So very pleased to hear how well you were treated. Im sure this is exactly how medical staff would wish to treat patients...

So important, I think, to share and celebrate the good and especially the very very good!!

Wishing you a speedy recovery and all good luck with treatment Sx

So good to hear this and such a tonic against the endless carping about it.

Apart from the occasional tedious wait I can't fault my care either.

Another good story: my almost 96 year old mother in law has shingles and ended up in A&E following a couple of falls.

The service we've had from the Rapid Response team since has been brilliant: home assessment, prompt provision of aids, checking on her every day, charming encouraging people who get her to do what they tell her to do when she won't when the family do!

This is on the cusp of health/social care and was what I would want for everyone. And so at odds with what we fear about care for older people.

You sometimes wonder if it's a parallel universe we live in.

The government and media endlessly talking it down, while so many of us - not all, I know - have hard to beat good experiences.

SCWI profile image

So delighted that you received wonderful care and the NHS was performing at its best for you. My Mum has been in hospital for three days with pneumonia brought on by the flu virus and has had great care and even given her own room. I think if it was possible in the circumstances she quite enjoyed herself,. I am truly impressed. My daughter passed her finals for medicine this week and came 23rd out of 240 in her year, (sorry, proud Mum boast) but I do sometimes worry about how things will go for her in the future, she is very passionate about the NHS and scolds me if I grumble occasionally.

All best wishes for your Caelyx going forwards and a speedy recovery.. Xxxx

chrissapam profile image

So good....I too had excellent care from the NHS 10 days ago and the district nurses and my GP are now being superb....we live in such a civilised country when the right people have their voices heard...just hope we manage to keep it that way! Chris xxxx

jmackmom profile image

Im so pleased this exists in the rest of the world for I live in the US where we have no national health care. People die or lose all their money unnecessarily here. In a effort to get well. It’s a crime. Don’t take your NHS for granted. It is a treasure.

chrissapam profile image

...and Trump was talking about the 'right to life' today.....will anyone ever really take him on? There are so many decent A,mericans around in my experience! x

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