Hi all, just a quickie. Had 5th avastin 2 weeks ago and am so stiff, hips, neck ankles, in fact wherever their is a bone!! Obviously with this crappy disease we seem to think the worst and hope for the best but was wondering if its caused by the avastin. Not seeing onc for another 3 weeks so thought I'd ask you.....the experts!!! Good wishes to all xx
Avastin 5th dose.....joint ache: Hi all, just a... - My Ovacome
Avastin 5th dose.....joint ache

Hi Joanie
Yes definitely one of the side effects but it is best you ring and let your CNS nurse know how bad it is . They may be able to help and should be informed . I am very stiff when first get up in the morning and if sitting for too long . It improves if I keep mobile and walk the dog , and drink plenty of water . Also Epsom salt baths can help . Just come back from hospital and had no 18 my last one so mixed feelings . Pleased to be stopping but anxious about doing nothing to stop it coming back as diagnosed stage 4 .
Best wishes with the avastin and hope it works well for you with minimal side effects and stiffness improves .
Love and best wishes Kim x 💜
Completely agree with purple-iris. I’m pretty sure your aches are avastin related. Mine were and Epsom salts plus hot baths did help.
Thanks for the info kim, yes I shall ring CNS tomorrow and discuss it. Hope you continue to keep well, it must be daunting finishing treatment and doing the waiting game but still trying to enjoy life. I too am stage 4 so kno the worrying feelings, but I try relaxing techniques....they don't always work but I try. Good luck with everything and again thanks xx. Joanie, leeds
Thanks kim for your helpful advice, yes I do think I need to walk more but this awful weather does not encourage me!! Big baby!! I'll get dressed up warm and get moving more. Well you have finished your avastin, well truly good luck I do hope you have continued good health. This stage 4 diagnosis is soooooo negative, but if you are feeling well, dwell on that feeling not the dam stage!!! I'm also stage 4 and when in bed my mind starts racing, its such a beast!! Prayers for your continued good progress and health.
Can i just ask, when was your diagnosis.....mine was emergency admission June 2016. Xxx
Hi Joanne, I agree the stiffness is terrible in the morning, but I find that walking, yoga and aqua aerobics a great help. I am heading for my 5th avstain tomorrow. Hope this might be of help to you. Best wishes.
Yes I had terrible pain in bottom of my back with Avastin, takes a while after coming off it before the aching goes off. X
Just had my last one today so out of interest how long did it take for the aches and stiffness to wear off .
Kim x
Good luck iris, keep posting to keep us informed of your progress, wishing you then very best of health xx joanie, leeds
My last one was July 2017 and I’ve properly started to feel free from pain in my lower back just before Christmas. So roughly 6 months.
Sorry, but I've been off Avastin since November and just diagnosed with osteoarthritis and impingement in shoulders - both Onc and Rheumatologist said the joint pains were/are NOT side-effects of Avastin. I wonder, maybe it's because our bodies have taken such a battering that we're prone to other complaints. I'm 62 and never had any joint problems until I went on Avastin hmmm, does make you wonder.
Iris (the other one) xx
Ps I agree warm baths with Epsom Salts help.
Thanks ann for the heads up, I've a long way to go with avastin but am delighted to be offered it if it keeps the beast at bay. I'm stage 4 also, brca2 (so they now tell me)and yes my back particularly hips are very stiff. I wish you well with good health on this journey. Joanie, leeds
Thank you I was stage 4 too been free from any desease since July 2016. Keepingfingers crossed good luck with your treatment. I also was treated in Leeds and was on a trial xx
Hi ann, don't know whether my reply went to the right place!! Thanks for the heads up, yes lower back and hips are worse, particularly first thing improves when I am hip and around but sieze up again when I have sat for a while!! I'm also stage 4, brca2.......just got that info recently!!! Good luck to you and I hope you keep well, best wishes and prayers, joanie, leeds
Hi Joanie
I have rheumatoid as well as oc... so know these symptoms well! You can ‘warm up’ your joints in bed by flexing gently and if I’m bad I will have a paracetamol in bed with tea. Others have suggested gentle exercise and they are right but don’t put up with pain...get some better pain relief from the GP. Keep warm and rest plenty. Good luck xx
Thanks for advice Lyndy, info try to keep warm but will try the flexing. I suppose after all the medications we have taken, chemo, steroids etc., I don't take pain meds but i need to take some rather than put up with things. Best wishes to you and good luck xx joanie, leeds
Hi Joanie
Lots of aches and pains on Avastin, and it’s an accumulative effect so starts to get notable after a few doses. I would check the whole thing with your CNS though just to be completely on the safe side. Let us know how it goes.
Marian xx

Thanks Marian yes I'm going to ring them tomorrow, I suppose we forget what our bodies have been through!! Good luck and best wishes, joanie, leeds
I’ve not had avastin but my GP said if I suffered with bad joint pain with chemo I should tell her and she would prescribe something so maybe worth a visit
LA xx
I am experiencing the same thing - neck pain and stiffness. I thought I had slept in an odd position. So glad you brought this up! Given all the responses it sounds like Avastin is the culprit. Thanks for the heads up! Kim xx
Yes Kim, neck pain/stiffness, got that too!!! I thought I'd slept funny. Anyway good to know its treatment and it will subside. Wishing you well, take care and take painkillers if needed. I did last night and slept well.!! Xx joanie, leeds
Hi Joanie, I would say definitely the Avastin. I had the same reaction and have taken up swimming and that really seems to help. I don’t swim laps or anything just spend about 30 minutes stretching all my joints. But would definitely double check with the oncologist
Hi, I had my 17th infusion last week and yes, all the aches and pains is definitely from avastin. I was ill last Christmas with flu and they had to cancel my infusion for extra 2 weeks and I felt better from my joint and muscle pain. The sole of my feet aches as well but this dis appeared when I did not have my avastin. But when I resumed my infusion last week, now I felt all the aches and pains are back! But I'm determined to finish it!! Only one to go! Yey! Good luck and take care. X
Fabulous only one to go, yipee!! It is marvelous if it is doing its job, we can tolerate the aches and pains no problem, can't we!!! Small price to pay for keeping the beast at bay!! I wish you well, soon you will be doing the marathon!!! Every goodnwish to you xx joanie, leeds
Yes it's worth all the pains and aches. I will have the result of my scan tomorrow, I hope I'm still NED same as last June . Praying very hard that's stil the case. I'm a bit worried because my Ca 125 is creeping up a little each time. When I was NED last June it was 4 then it went to 6 then 8 then 12 three weeks ago then last week it was 16. Although still on the normal range. I was ill as well for 3 weeks so they do say that if you have infections it can make your CA 125 go higher. Xxx
Me too Joanie! Aches everywhere! Avastin number 6 tomorrow. My Onc said regular Paracetamol. I know warmth helps 🌞, maybe it's worse in January!! I just keep thinking I am so fortunate to be on Avastin. Apparently it is a very good drug...and very expensive. ATB xx Linda, Glos
So much anecdotal evidence re joint pains on Avastin but health professionals won't accept it. That doesn't mean they won't give analgesics for it, though. There's some good advice here, what a great forum this is!
Good Luck, Joanne.
Iris xx
I agree iris, this is the go to place to get correct information and advice, no matter what a reply comes back, even if it is support cause of feeling down!! Real troopers on here! Yes I'm convinced avastin affects joints, onc can disagree but we know different!! Good luck to you xx Joanie, leeds
I finished my Avastin last Tuesday only to be told that my CA125 marker has risen to 900. Feel gutted. Now waiting for the results of the Ct scan which i had at the weekend. Seeing consulant on the 30th. Not expecting good news. Angie
Hi Joannie, well it is normal to have joint pain with Avastin, a good remedy is to soak in a bath of warm water with Epsom salts and lavender added. Try and walk a little every day it does help. Use Neil med rinses for your nose which is probably mucky and sore. Nasosept is good to heal the nose. Liquid paraffin is good to wipe the bum if its sore. Hope this helps you