Avastin joint pain and stiffness: I have had... - My Ovacome

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Avastin joint pain and stiffness

MostlyHarmless profile image
16 Replies

I have had chemo - carboplatin and taxol and have now been on Avastin only for six months. I am getting increasingly stiff joints. I find I can't get out of bed and stand up easily. I went to clinic today and saw a new doctor who said he had not heard of this as a side effect but he would 'go and look it up'. I can accept this as a side effect but does it keep getting worse? It seems to be cumulative.

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MostlyHarmless profile image
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16 Replies
Katmal-UK profile image

Hi. Yes it is cumulative, or at least I found it to be. How many more treatments do you have to go? Once you stop the side effects subside. xx Kathy xx

Flamingobeef18 profile image
Flamingobeef18 in reply to Katmal-UK

Same for me to.


Maus123 profile image

Hiya. Joint problems are a known potential side effect of Avastin, to my knowledge. I was also advised of a possibly accumulative nature, but guess it's different for everybody? Hopefully she will gather some information and be able to advise you on available treatment options. Else you could approach a different oncologist/doctor if needed. All the best. Maus


Lyndy profile image

It might be worth getting a referral to rheumatology...they are experienced at damping down joint pain. It does annoy me on your behalf that you have been seen by someone who clearly knows nothing about a powerful drug they have prescribed for you!

Meh! Any way...keep moving gently and try taking paracetamol before you get up...best of luck xx

MostlyHarmless profile image
MostlyHarmless in reply to Lyndy

Hi Lyndy. I have had a referral to rheumatology in the last few months for a shoulder problem and have been referred to physio. I've seen him once and he is clued up on chemo and related treatment side-effects. Unfortunately, he is only allowed to treat the shoulder as that is what I was referred for. The rheumatology clinic have discharged me.

KBM22 profile image

Hi I am having this exact same thing, although sounds like I’m earlier in the avastin cycle than you . I didn’t have it at last clinic or whilst having avastin with chemo, assume the weekly steroids cancelled it out. Have my next clinic in couple of weeks so will be asking, will let you know what I get told if that’s helpful. For me, I’m alright once up and going but any amount of time sitting and I get stiff. It’s not hurting me just stiff/seizes up. The mornings are worst and I hobble when get up. I’m at stage where it’s fine because wears off once moving but like you want to know is it likely to get worse and is there anything to be done about it. Side affects are rubbish aren’t they x

27-359 profile image

I can't believe your doctor said that he had never heard of joint pain as a side effect of Avastin! I was recommended to have an Epsom salts bath every night. I really think it helped, and it's very relaxing.


Pendle99 profile image

I'm suffering the same. Just about to have number 11 out of 18 Avastins and have a very stiff neck. When I mentioned it to oncologist last time (who wasn't my usual one) I was told she had never heard of it and most be extremely rare! I am a pharmacist and checked the drug co. Info and it is listed as a v common side effect (affecting 1 in 10 people). Bit, that still doesn't help my stiff neck.

Cnmart profile image

Hi, yes this is definitely a side effect! I'm in the same position and my aches and pains started around the sixth dose. I walk like a penguin in the morning until I get warmed up (my ankle joints never want to cooperate) and if I sit down for any period of time my whole body gets stiff again. I have noticed recently that things are getting a bit easier...I've probably got about 5 months left of taking it. I also had nose bleeds, and still get quite bad headaches and indigestion. Xx

Cnmart profile image

As an extra note, I started Tai Chi back in April...maybe that's why things are easing a bit now... not sure???

MostlyHarmless profile image
MostlyHarmless in reply to Cnmart

I can't do tai chi at the moment as I have plantar fasciitis. However, I did a couple of seated yoga sessions recently and my beloved has offered to pay for some one-to-one yoga sessions at home to see if this helps.

luluw profile image

I am begining to find that oncologists seem to dismiss the side effects of the drugs they prescribe. I had the same problem with Avastin-in fact, I stopped it after 2 or 3 infusions. I'd had dreadful leg pain on Taxol and couldn't cope with any more!

My oncologist would now like me back in treatment but I won't because I want a quality of life. Chemo will take that away, but he just doesn't seem to understand that for me, it's about quality of life, not quantity.

Lou xx

tara108 profile image
tara108 in reply to luluw

Hi Lou. So sorry to hear this. Have you thought about changing your oncologist? For me, if they don't understand quality as well as quantity of life, like my 1st Onc. I found another one who listened and respected my wishes. Yes they often discount the side effects! Hope you can find one who listens to you. Hugs from Australia.

luluw profile image
luluw in reply to tara108

Thanks Tara. It's good to hear from someone who feels the way I do. I'll bear it in mind for the future.

Lou xxxx

Marie1707 profile image

Hi - I suffer from painful ankles and feet. I had the same chemo and have also been on Avastin only for about six months. A side effect of the chemo was peripheral neuropathy which does not seem to have improved at all just yet but at least has not become worse. I think this adds to the discomfort in my feet although my ankles have become more achey in the past few months. I only have three more sessions of Avastin and hope that things will improve after that ends. Otherwise I am very lucky and everything has been quite positive.

KeepMoving2 profile image

Hello to Avastin patients with Joint pain - see that this discussion was from 3 years ago. Did anyone ever find the magic tool to managing the pain? Was very happy to find others so I know I am not imagining it. In my case, the pain seems to find joints in my body where I had previous injuries that had resolved themselves. I was diagnosed with MBC now for 2.5 years. Verzenio and Armidex did great job for 18 mos with little side effects. Then failed fast. Pivoted to 2 others drugs. No good. 20 rounds of weekly Taxol (finished 11 weeks ago) biweekly Avastin (now every 3 weeks) and protocol for Fulvestrant worked wonders to resolve my Ascites and bring all tumor markers way down. Know that ongoing Fulvestrant also gives joint pain. Plan is to be on these last 2 drugs for as long as they work. Icing, salt water hot tub, yoga, Pilates, Advil, Tylenol, cycling, swimming, tennis - do it with pain. But the pain at night means too little sleep. Thanks for thoughts and support.

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