I'm having my scan tomorrow evening so will let you know the results when I know them. Hope everyone is okay today. Weather's not up to much so will make a cake today. Best wishes to all, Zena x
Scan: I'm having my scan tomorrow evening so will... - My Ovacome

Hi my fellow twin.
What's the scan for?
Just got mine through the post too 🙏🙏
We have lots of rain here in Manchester xx
Hi the woman with the best name. It's just to check everything is okay as I haven't had one for a few years. It came through a lot quicker than I thought it would but I told them I will be going on holiday soon so they fitted me in before I go. Got a phone call last night and go tomorrow night.
No rain here by the Thames. Sun is out at last. The football will be on this afternoon so I'll do a bit of reading as I've been so busy this morning.
When is yours? xx
My scan is Thurso hope but also same day as drain xx
Gosh it's all going on for you. Let's hope the sun comes out at least. You've got all those Tories up there with you too so that should cheer you up. Zena xx
We do live in the rainy city of Manchester but there has been an awful lot more recently, we’ll be getting webbed feet soon at this rate. ❤️Xx Jane
Hi all,
It couldn't be any wetter than rainy Ireland out here in the West.
Not to worry my hubby is from Stockport / Manchester so we will be watching the football also today.
Hope you all have a nice weekend.
Come on City
Ann Nora 🍀

At least West Ham won today. About time. It keeps the hubby happy, he lived in Green Street all his life till we married.
I've got a sister in Ireland. I've never met her but I keep my eye on the weather and it's always raining there. That's why the grass is so green.
Good luck with the football.
Zena xx
Well done Zena,
Watching City play at the moment and recording strictly.
Ann Nora 🍀

You had the best of both worlds last night. x
With Aguero out we were lucky, there should have been a lot more goals, but that was fine.
Good luck tomorrow with your scan.
Ann Nora 🍀

Thanks An Nora.
Footballs like that, you win some and lose some. Decisions sometimes go your way sometimes not. It evens out in the end. xxx
Fingers crossed that everything is okay. I have a scan on Tuesday. It is always a worrying time when waiting for the results even when you are feeling well.
Good luck for Tuesday. What is yours for?
I don't even know how long I'll have to wait for the results. My consultant said she'd write me with the results. She can't be expecting to find anything or I'm sure I'd have to go and see her.
Mine is a staging CT of thorax, abdomen and pelvis before starting chemotherapy for my first recurrence. I am okay as I have felt well even though my ca125 started rising in February. Had surgery in August and they found one lesion which was removed. Anyway hope all is well with you.
Hope the scan is clear, it’s jitters time each time we have to do any tests isn’t it and waiting for the results is a nightmare 😬.
Hope the cake comes out of the oven well, a cup of tea and slice of cake mmm. What time should we call round? 😂 take care lovely ❤️ Xx Jane
Cake was very nice. I don't drink tea. I had my slice with a rum and coke. You'll have to get here quick or it will be gone. Going to watch Strictly in a minute with Pizza and chips. A very healthy day. Zena xx
Fingers crossed for the scan, my lovely xx
Hi Zenaj, yes keep us up dated good luck finger cross. Take care Cindyxx
Good luck Zena!xx
Good luck you seem so confident and I believe belief in your ability to heal is really important, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about.
S x
Thank you. I agree. There's never quite that 100% confidence because I always get a bit shaky when I have appointments. The same can be said for the dentist and doctors though so it must be a natural thing. A bit like fight or flight reaction taking over.
All the best, Zena x
Hi Zena.
Good luck. Hoping you have very good results.
Hugs. Xxxx
good luck to you and everyone else being scanned this week...enjoy your holiday when it comes Zena...Chris x
am sure you will...fingers crossed for you! x