Sciatica and Taxol: Hi everyone, Has anyone had... - My Ovacome

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Sciatica and Taxol

Hectoria profile image
28 Replies

Hi everyone,

Has anyone had any problems with sciatica? About 4 weeks ago I suddenly lost all feeling down the back of my left thigh and buttock. I looked it up on google, and it seems to be sciatica caused by inflammation of the sciatic nerve or something to do wth discs in my lower back. I have spent loads of time sitting around reading or lying in bed recuperating from a horrible bowel reaction to Taxol, so I am presuming this is yet another lovely side effect. I am now in quite a lot of pain and feel like someone has pummelled my bum with an iron bar! Would love to know that it will go away soon.

Goodness, all I ever seem to do on here is whinge. Sorry.


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Hectoria profile image
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28 Replies
Katmal-UK profile image

Ouch, Sciatica is no fun!! I haven't had it since diagnosis but did have it years ago (Dr reckons I turned over in bed in my sleep awkwardly, stood up in the morning and practically fell flat on my face with my husband asking me what I was doing on the floor .....). I ended up having to have physio. Sounds like a trip to the GP maybe called for rather than suffering. By the way you aren't whinging you are having to put up with a lot! xx Sending you a big (but gentle) hug. Kathy xx

Hectoria profile image
Hectoria in reply to Katmal-UK

My reply to you seems to have gone awol. It will probably reappear, so sorry to repeat myself. I did wonder about acupuncture or physio, but thought I would wait until the Taxol situation resolved itself. I have been reading loads about the Law of Attraction, seems to be everywhere I look. I have always dreaded the idea of sciatica as my uncle has been plagued with it for years. I was always worried about getting cancer too as I was such a salad dodging couch potato ( with a fondness for wine and the occasional fag). If the Law of Attraction really exists, I do feel I have been rather unlucky, as all the things I did NOT wish for seem to have come along!

Spencer2016 profile image
Spencer2016 in reply to Hectoria

I wonder about that too. Used to have fears of getting cancer. 😳

I'm trying really hard to vision a sustained remission. But no luck so far. Perhaps the laws of attraction doesn't work if your faking it.

Hectoria profile image
Hectoria in reply to Spencer2016

From what I understand, the more you worry about it, the more likely you are to attract it. Doesn't seem fair really. I pray for remission every day, but it hasn't materialised yet. Must try harder obviously :-/

85live4ever profile image

Hi S, I had a accident at work in 2004 & I still suffer with sciatica & Kathy is so right it is not fun.

I found a warm bath helped, gentle swimming & very gentle exercise. I walk with a stick & my right leg can feel like a piece of wood at times. Then add chemo & bed rest & sciatica can be your worse nightmare. Good luck I hope you can get over this. Thinking of you. Take care Cindyxx

Hectoria profile image
Hectoria in reply to 85live4ever

Hi Cindy,

I have an infrared sauna which I am not supposed to be using because of my picc line. But I have found if I go in for about 20 mins, before I start sweating buckets, it helps a little bit. Last night I woke up in a puddle of sweat after falling asleep on Top of a hot water bottle. That seems to have helped a bit too, so maybe heat is the answer. Thanks for your reply, always nice to hear from you. Gosh, I don't fancy a wooden leg :-)

85live4ever profile image
85live4ever in reply to Hectoria

Hi S, heat will help. I find if I stand or sit too long then my right leg with feel just like a wooden log. Take care Cindyxx

MH500 profile image

Hi Cindy

Yes I had sciatica with taxol, and having a very gentle session with my Osteopath sorted it out. She got me to ice it after treatment which calms any inflammation to the area. You just need to find an Osteopath who will be gentle. I know a great one in Bristol but not sure where you are?

Hugs, Marian xx

Jessfrogg profile image
Jessfrogg in reply to MH500

I'm in the Georgia in the United States

Jessfrogg profile image
Jessfrogg in reply to Jessfrogg

Sorry replied to the wrong message

Hectoria profile image
Hectoria in reply to MH500

Hi Marian, I might try some ice too and see if that does anything. I am in Scotland so I'll need to find my own osteopath. Thanks for replying.

S x

85live4ever profile image
85live4ever in reply to MH500

Hi Marian, I am in Southampton I have been to a few osteopaths over my back. I saw one chap that made my back a lot worse. I then saw a lovely lady how was very gentle. She now works in cancer research.

I know there are some wonderful healers out there. I have also found there a those that are not as good as they could be. Take care Cindyxx

Rlenesue profile image

Sciatica is the worst. Not only do we endure the side effects of chemo, but we develop other issues. I have chronic sciatica and have used Ice a lot. It does help. I have also gotten shots in the lumbar area to relieve pain. I have had some success with that option. You definitely need some anti-inflammatory medication, which over time, should relieve much of the pain. Physical therapy was the best result along with massage. I hope you feel better soon.

Hectoria profile image
Hectoria in reply to Rlenesue

Oh dear, I was hoping it would all be gone in a few weeks. I can't take anti inflammatories as I am still on chemo, and having bowel issues. Having said that, I'd swap the cancer for sciatica if I had the chance.

Rlenesue profile image
Rlenesue in reply to Hectoria

Try ice then. It works well and purchase a donut pillow. That does help

PatSailsbery profile image

I, too, experienced sciatica pain while on Taxol. It was no fun and lasted weeks. Funny thing, I never connected the dots relating it to Taxol. Learn something new here all the time.

Off topic, I am currently fighting bilateral bicep tendinitis, a side effect from an antibiotic, Levaquin, which was prescribed for my neutropen fever. UGH.

Hectoria profile image
Hectoria in reply to PatSailsbery

I'm not 100 per cent sure it is down to the Taxol, but it makes sense as I have had terrible bowel pain after every IV. The pain doesn't kick in until all the steroids, which are anti inflammatory, have gone from my system. I am then in horrible pain for about a week to 10 days. I just assume that the sciatica is as a result of the same inflammatory response as the Taxol. It is unfortunate, as the treatment was working OK, but I just can't tolerate it weekly which is what is required.


amygene profile image

Hello over in Scotland, where I have pen pals as that is my hobby. I got a note from this site yet I am not familiar with it saying can I reply to any thing about Taxol and it had your user name. I am Amy in Kansas but from Missouri. One of my pen pals in Scotland is from New Jersey but married my friend in Scotland, gorgeous country! I had Taxol. I had uterine, Carcinosarcoma, high grade, fast, and deadly, stage 1A, I bled a month before surgery and had total hysterectomy and then Ifosfimide and Taxol. Highest doses! Then 4 rounds of internal radiation. Taxol is a word that scares many, it is quite harsh. I had an emergency during my second round of 4 and had to discontinue the last two. I am right now 3 yrs cancer free. Taxol gave me a parasite in my stool, which antibiotics got rid of and going between constipation and diarrhea and that was about it outside of the emergency. I have spine degeneration and my back hurts but not sure Taxol did it. But did not have spine problem before Taxol. I am currently dealing with Dysplasia of the vaginal wall. That was biopsied and confirmed it was NOT from the previous cancer but from the internal radiation. Once it moves from mild to moderate then it's laser surgery. But I know many do this two or 3 times per year and it is always ok and fine as long as it is kept an eye on with pap and done so while not looking forward to yet another thing, I want to live! I have had two stomach polyps this year, one small one large taken out yesterday and I again can't say that is Taxol but never had them before. I have heard a lot of effects take awhile to get. After treatment ended, I was great for a year, then suddenly not so great and just not the same and don't expect to ever be the same. I am losing A-Z due to the internal radiation and I am taking some OTC for it and some scripts for it, got about 65 percent of my energy back so far. I know others who had other chemos and other more serious side affects like Parkinsons. But we fight to live and most do live and with out too many problems. Some go back to normal and while I doubt I will I can hope for it! I am active as in getting out and doing things and yet it's hard to always have cancer in the back of my mind due to so many commercials about it and so on you hear it every time you turn around reminding you of it, I get follow ups every 3 months. I don't know if I helped but it is nice to meet you and I am not aware of your type of cancer but wish you well. Amy

Hectoria profile image
Hectoria in reply to amygene

Thanks for your reply Amy. Best of luck going forward, and may you remain cancer-free. Sx

Cropcrop profile image

Sciatica is awful, I had it with both my pregnancies as both babies turned and tweaked the sciatic nerve but I didn't get it with my taxol. It may be purely coincidental but I'd go see your doctor to make sure. The pain is a bit like toothache in the buttock and thigh, it's horrible so you do have my total sympathy and I know how hard it is to get comfy. If it's not one thing for us it's another 😔.

You're certainly not whinging you are unwell and we're here for support. I hope this clears up soon for you, take lots of care love ❤️ xx Jane

Hectoria profile image
Hectoria in reply to Cropcrop

That is exactly how I feel. If it is not not thing, it's another. When I first started this lot of chemo, it had to be stopped because of horrible toothache in my wisdom tooth. That has subsided to a twinge now and then,but now it is bowel pain and sciatica. I can't help feeling my body is trying to tell me something. Sx

Have sciatica as my ovary was tangled up with sciatic nerve etc. Last year had physio and traction for relief. It does come back now and again though. Hot microwave pack works for me. Also if you are able do have a soak in a bath with a cup of epsom salts, it does help relax the muscles. I did have steroid shots for it and the rheumatologist told me to throw away my favourite worn shoes, wear supportive shoes. the physio recommended to ditch my sketchers in favour of Asics runners with gel. You dont need to buy the more expensive type, gel contend three is just fine.

Hectoria profile image

Thanks Suzuki, I will try your suggestions. I have a bit of a fetish for boots, ( not stilettos or over the thigh type) quite flat or with a small chunky heel. I can't remember the last time I wore trainers, but I will give it a go. Traction sounds interesting. Sx

Di16 profile image

I didn't have it with taxol but did have sciatica while on carboplatin, though I'd had it before & didn't think about the possibility of it being connected with chemo. Di

SCWI profile image

Hi Hectoria

I had terrible sciatica that started when I had chemo too. I spent a lot of money on stuff like acupuncture, chiropractor, massage, osteopathy. In the end I went to a spinal surgeon who MRI scanned it. I had a crumbling lower disc which was caught up with the sciatic nerve. After trying a cortisone injection which worked temporarily I had an operation to trim the disc and free the nerve. It worked a treat and I wish I had it done earlier. I'm not saying you will need this, but if the pain persists get a referral to see a back surgeon. Hope it improves soon. Sophia xx

Katiebairdie profile image

I am also suffering with sciatica. I have the most awful pains in my bum and leg in the morning and can't walk without holding on to things for support. After I get out of bed and start walking the pain eases. I have had physio and acupuncture. I have also been to doc three times, last time was last week. He has referred me to oncologist for a c.t.scan. Reason being being he thinks oncologist can read a scan better than he can. After saying all that, I am not on chemo at the moment so no connection there. Hope you're better soon. Katiebardie 🇬🇧

Hectoria profile image
Hectoria in reply to Katiebairdie

Hope you feel better soon Katie.


cathy46 profile image

that's what I thought I had to but my oncologist said could be cancer so sent me for bone scan and MRI and I have mets on my sacrum Just finished Radium treatment and start back on chemo on the 10th

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