Im absolutely over the moon as my mum has been given the all clear this week!! So many emotions flying round the place. Mum has also been accepted onto the javelin 100 drug trial and wondered if anyone else has. This forum has been amazing with helping my mum and family through a difficult time so thank you all xxxx
All clear: Im absolutely over the moon as my mum... - My Ovacome
All clear

Wonderful news!
Excellent! Enjoy and do some nice things together to celebrate x
So pleased to hear your good news. x
That's great news. It's time to celebrate for sure.
I had a good experience with the Javelin 200 trial which is for recurrence so here's hoping Javelin 100 works well for your mother. All the best!
So delighted your Mum has got good news. Its a hard road but worthwile. I hope ye have a little celebration for her
HI, So please to read about your mums good result, now for a long and happy life..
Lorraine xx
Great news xx
Can u ask your mothers diagnoses please.. I hope that's ok. My mother is 67 and is booked in for surgery to remove 2 big masses on her ovaries... I am expecting a cancer diagnoses. I'm hoping she can cope with this at her age. Thank you xx
Ps brilliant news! Enjoy life now, every minute of it! Xx

Hello 1ora. My Mum was diagnosed at the end of 2013. She also had two large masses on her ovaries. She's battled through three lots of chemos and the debulking surgery. She reached 80 last October and is still battling on. She has always had good health and is a strong person which has helped enormously. She's also very positive. Sending a big hug to your and your Mum and I hope things go well. Jane x
Emma Louise - great news about your Mum. XX
Fantastic! It's the best feeling in the world isn't it! Celebrate! xx