It's 5 months after my final chemo cycle for stage 1C ovarian cancer and I'm waiting for the results of a CA125 test. I had a tummy upset 4 weeks ago and have been left with pain/discomfort under my right ribs & bouts of indigestion. I can't believe they are testing for a recurrence after only 5 months - I've been back to work for only 2 months and finally able to drive to town as the post-chemo fatigue is much improved and I'm due to go on a cruise in 4 weeks (I promised myself I'd treat myself with redundancy money (was made redundant during chemo) after chemo finished) in essence ... I'd started to live again but now I'm scared witless & unable to sleep and that's probably making the indigestion worse. I live alone so none but my dog to speak to. Any words of wisdom ladies?
Recurrence? Scared.: It's 5 months after my final... - My Ovacome
Recurrence? Scared.

Hi Alibee, the fact they are doing your ca 125 is a good thing it shows they are keeping an eye on you. It doesn't have to mean its back.
It was found nice & early & hopefully your symptoms are something else. When you have had such a nasty shock having oc it's very hard not to think every pain, bout of indigestion & discomfort is the beast coming back.
Make sure you find out what your ca 125 is & maybe ask for a ct scan even if it's to only put your mind rest.
I am on my own & it is hard when you have no one there with you to talk to. I am lucky I do have my family but still know what you mean.
Please keep us up dated let us know how you get on. Enjoy your holiday you have been through so much you need this break. Take care Cindyxx
Hi Alibee- we all feel those fears when the aches creep in. Then the mind starts to wonder. Sounds like your dr is checking you out- hopefully to soon set your mind at ease. If you find out what that pain under the right rib is, let me know. seems common among many women here. I feel it too. And if if makes you feel better, was really bothering me last month- when I got my "all clear" scan after completing treatment. Don't know what it was, but it wasn't cancer.
Remember, you are not alone! ❤️
Hi Alibee, it seems many of us get this feeling under the ribs, I do too from time to time and tend to think the worst, it's another lovely part of OC, we tend to turn any pain or twinge into something it necessarily isn't. Has your CA125 test been done as a routine follow up one? I have these done every 6 months at regular check ups. I hope your test results are normal, do let us know. Sending big hugs ❤️Xx Jane
Like the other ladies have said, pain around the ribs seems common. Have sharp pains and twinges everywhere.
Our bodies have been through a lot, surgery and chemo. Must make our insides different.
I'm off on holiday in a week. When I get back I'm having a scan as my CA125 is rising. It's at 54 now. My doctor said he is scanning me for my sake rather than his. He said he would not scan me at this point if it was up to him.
I'm worried it's a recurrence but it could be anything. I'm going to try not to worry and enjoy my holiday.
We are all here for you. Try not to worry until you know you need to worry. Xxxxxx
Hi Alibee,
I was in the same situation as you and had lots of pains at around 5 months from end of treatment. I had a scan and there was nothing to see. Bloods were normal and CA125 was still low.
It sounds like your doctor is just being thorough - better to check and it be nothing of consequence. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Yosh x
Hi Alibee and just to say what our other ladies have said - I've had intermittent twinges under Rt ribs and all round that side here and there - seems to be relatively common for some bizarre reason so I've perfected the ostrich thing and learnt to ignore it to a certain degree!
Good luck! Love Maz xxx
Hoping so much that very soon you will hear back with some good news! We can all understand your fears and needing someone to rant and vent to! This always helps, and who better understands than the people here who are going through the same things!
We have canceled two cruises due to medicals, after my diagnosis in 2014. My oncologist thought I should go on with it, but I was afraid I wouldnt feel up to it, plus being around lots of germs seems like a real bad idea.
And, unfortunately, we seem to always have some cold or sinus, or worse, during or cruise!!!
I had some issues with low blood counts, with the chemo, also. And I discovered that Chemo affected my legs, making walkng painful. I am So glad I canceled when I did, getting a full refund! Then we rebooked a different cruise the next year. We had to cancel just days before due to hubbys heart attack and triple bypass surgery! At the time, we were just thankful for more time together.
We finally got to take a make-up cruise last November. I think we went appreciating it more than ever, but felt a little stressful that something would come up to prevent our long anticipated adventure. We love to cruise, and although I am doing great right now, hubby continues with some baffling issues we are still struggling to figure out. Hope for some answers soon! And hope that one day, we will be well enough to enjoy another fun vacation adventure, cruise! We remain hopeful!!!
Hoping for all the best for you, would love to talk about cruising adventures, such a fun vacation, indeed! We live close enough to Galveston, to drive in, makes it so much more tempting and appealing!
Hi luv,
I too was 1c had my op Sept 2014, chemo till March 2015 and Ned ever since
But,I have twinges under my right rib too,Ca125 is a good indicator for me and it's always about 7 which is good.I had a bowel surgeon present at my op and felt like I had a movie camera inserted in places and have been over zealous to the loo ever since😳
To re group,if you are at all worried,speak to your team or onc,but, in my case I am of the opinion if I feel well and my checks are all good,it is because my body has been through so much it will probably never be the same and I don't over stress.
If I felt unwell or my checks were rubbish I would be the first to get checked.
We all worry about every twinge,but know your body and trust your instinct,
Carole xx
Hello- i am 8 months out from end of chemo. I also have been feeling odd, cramps for the last three weeks and weird twinges in my neck for the last two months. i see my ONC tomorrow to discuss for my 3 month check. My CA125 came back in the 7's so that is good but cannot dismiss the other symptoms. Please stay in touch with us. I know the anxiety can cause havoc with us. hope fully we are both going to cintinue to be NED. Sending hugs and well wishes.
Xx Carol