Sorry - this may be a repeat for some. I received my email to introduce myself after I had already responded to someone's thread. I can not tell you ladies how much I appreciate you! 5 weeks after surgery and 1 week from the path report - stage 2 - and my friend found this site and provided it to me. All the chatter makes me feel sooooo less alone. I am joining the US counter part (I live in Florida) but I think I like this group! You are all so funny and uplifting! I am just beginning this journey - many of you have been on it awhile - my elders! Getting a 2nd opinion and then will probably start chemo.... Keep up the chatter! Love it!
New to the community: Sorry - this may be a... - My Ovacome
New to the community

Loving the flamingo theme...welcome! Sorry you need to be here but glad you have found us! xx Lyndy
Hi and welcome from across the pond, you have a good friend there who sounds really supportive. I'm glad you like our chatter, it's really important to us all as it's a good sounding board for us all, it's a good place to have a rage, to share our sad times, to share our triumphs, to share our funny times and, most importantly, to be here for each other regardless of where we live, there will be ladies in Florida who will experience hospitals and doctors we can't here and vice-versa but the disease basically is the same worldwide, some of our terminology will be different to yours but the process will be very similar. Like you say we are all at different stages in our fight against the demon disease so somebody will be able to answer any questions you will have. Love the flamingo picture 😊. Do keep in touch and let us know how you are getting along with your chemo, take lots of care of you, big transatlantic hugs ❤️Xx Jane
Hi there, glad you found us, I love your photo. No harm at all to get a second opinion and do the best you can with this illness. I wish you well after surgery and hope you are taking it nice and easy. Best of luck with the results and hope you find a good oncologist for a second opinion. I have relatives in Florida and I envy them the freedom to don summer gear when we are freezing here in Ireland. Best wishes

thank you Suzuki! I couldn't take it easy for long. House, husband, work.... and a 19 yr old daughter coming home from college.... sometimes I would like to run away! Gotta find those gifts in daily living! lol I love the thought of going to Ireland.... not sure it will ever happen.. but you are lucky too! Such a fantastic land you are grounded in. Bless you and have a great day!
Hello Flamingo, welcome to our group. Hope you're recovering well from your surgery and doubtless are already examining your tummy every day! I'm not sure we'll ever stop doing that....,
I see from your profile you were diagnosed with carcino-sarcoma, which I also have, except I'm Stage IIIC. Hope your second opinion goes well, you've not had long to digest things; it's quite a whirlwind at the beginning. All the best!
Hi and welcome........could do with some of your beautiful weather here, may I say what a very beautiful country you live in.........been twice with my children to see Mickey.......such fun! Also spent a blissful 5 days on Anna Maria Island..........I dream of going back! Good luck with your journey, we walk along side you! xx
Glad your going to stick with us. We're not a bad bunch, we give each other great support, encouragement and comfort when needed.
I love your flamingos. Their colour is amazing, so vibrant. I had a holiday in the South of France many years ago and there was a lake nearby with hundreds of flamingos on it. I was never as close to them as this photo but remember them looking rather more pink from a distance, there is actually quite a lot of orange in them.
Your photo really brought a smile to my face. Thank you. Ann xx
Welcome to the friendly group.