Hi I'm new to this. I don't know anyone going through ovarian cancer so really want to connect with others who are. I was diagnosed on May 18, 2016. I've had 8 rounds of chemo - carboplatin and taxol and have 1 more on Monday. I have surgery on July 26th. Has anyone else had rounds of chemo before surgery?
Chemo before surgery: Hi I'm new to this. I don... - My Ovacome
Chemo before surgery

Hi, I haven't - surgery first, diagnosed after that, then (and still ongoing ) chemo however there are a lot of ladies on this site who have had chemo before and I'm sure they will be along soon.
This is a great site , you can search for key words, follow posts and people, ask questions, read replies etc etc. Stay connected as it really helps!
Take care
Clare X
I had four rounds and then surgery followed by two further rounds. It is my understanding that if the tumour is large and / or close to other organs which might make surgery dangerous or impossible, chemo is given first in an attempt to shrink the tumour.
Good luck with the surgery!
Hi Kim, I had my first chemo last Friday, I get Carbo, taxol and Avastin every 3 weeks, and just the taxol on the 2 weeks in between-after 3 lots of that, I will have surgery, followed by 3 more sessions. Not looking forward to my hair falling out, but apart from that (and sometimes feeling like somebody has a voodoo doll of me that they keep sticking pins in! ) I'm not feeling to bad..........
How are you feeling after 8 chemos? Am a bit worried about the so-called cumulative effect.......
Hi Penibear58
I am actually doing pretty well. I have chemo every week. Carbo and taxol for one of the weeks, and then only taxol for the next two weeks, and then the cycle is repeated. I feel the best on the day of the chemo. I haven't had any numbness or tingling in my finger and toes, no nausea, and no fevers. I usually get one day a week (about day 5) where I feel really fatigued. Right now my white blood count is very low so I have to give myself injections of neupogen to build my white blood count enough to be able to have chemo. My hair started thinning at week 4 and I had it shaved in week 7 and now wear a wig which looks pretty good. That was the hardest for me - losing my hair. I am surprised I feel as good as I do after 8 chemo, but I am doing ok. I wish you all the best with your chemo. Hope it goes well for you - Kim
kim1958-I had primary chemo 4 months of carbo taxol prior to debulking surgery. It worked fantastic by consolidating my 3C metastatic peritoneal carcinomatosis from ovarian hi grade serous epithelial OC. I had surgery RO -no visible residual disease. I then had Intrapritoneal chemo with cisplatin and taxol, I am now completing 15 weeks of carbo taxol. CA125 is below 10 and I am headed for remission. You are on the right track. Surgery is much safer for you when chemo done first. Less cancer to wade through!!! Tesla in Seattle
Hi Tesla That is wonderful that you are heading towards remission. It must be a wonderful feeling!! I certainly hope I hear those words evenutally! I'm not sure what RO means. Is your carbo toxol weekly?
kim1958--my diagnosis was inoperable. The only way to even try to save me was to give me chemo BEFORE surgery. This was the only choice I had if I wanted to live. When diagnosed my entire abdomen was filled with cancer and ascites. They could not find my organs as they were a solid mass of cancer. I had the ascites drained twice in four days and immediately started the carbo taxol. RO means "residual disease zero". This means that all signs of macroscopic (visual) disease had been removed during the debulking. There have been many studies done that prove that there is no disadvantage to having chemo first. For people like me, it is the only way to have any chance at all of living. If I had not started chemo I would have died within 10-11 days of suffocation. I apologize if this is too much information for the group, but it's the truth and I want other women to know that you can live through this, to never give up!!!
I had mine half before and half afterwards. From what I've been told it doesn't make a lot of difference which way round except they like us to have at least some first to shrink the tumours before surgery. I'm glad you found us this site is a great help. I hope your surgery goes well.
Hi Kim,
I was diagnosed with Stage 3C ovarian cancer and had 6 lots of chemo (Carboplatin and Taxol) before debulking. There is no evidence of disease now, so clearly the chemo worked, but as lousy luck would have it, the primary tumour turned out to be MMMT, not OC. All the histology stuff has been sent to the Mayo Clinic for a third and final opinion. No idea where I go from here, but hoping the cancers will not return. Take care.

Hi Tapobane I was also diagnosed with Stage 3C ovarian cancer. I'm not sure what MMMT is. Can you explain? I'm glad you have no evidence of disease now. I hope you will continue to be cancer free. Kim
MMMT is malignant mixed mullerian tumour or carcinosarcoma. Rare and aggressive I'm told although I don't understand how a cancer which started in my uterus which was removed 24 years ago and discovered 2 weeks ago following debulking can be considered aggressive. No doubt the wise ones at the Mayo clinic will reveal all. Take care. Xxx
Wow Taprobane that is incredible. Hope you get some answers from the Mayo Clinic. Kim xx