Hi All. Well firstly got to say a HUGE Thank you to all that responded to my depressing early hours of the morning post last weekend.
Well I am back up fighting!! Had the Carboplatin on the Tuesday (11 days ago) Weds and Thurs not bad ... but the steroids they give you boost you. Still walking dogs at that point!! Along came Friday...... absolutely shattered that's ok can cope with that. Then the sickness kicked in.. tablets took edge off. Constipation I was determined NOT to go down that road again as last time it almost finished me I'm not joking it was horrific. so I bought everything I could to combat it and ut worked.. Saturday Sunday Monday omg they were horrible days and nights . I had awful hallucinations I was so sick yuk... and when I nodded off at say 5am I'd wake up and think I'd slept for ages but in fact it was 5.04 am !! Really odd 3 nights.
Tuesday I woke up and felt slightly more like me. So I took it easy just had lazy day . Very thirsty.
Wednesday came and I felt back to me could not believe it!!!! Never happened before on Carboplatin or Taxol and Carboplatin. Never ever had 1 day of feeling reasonable so I'm so pleased. I feel this time I'm going to do all 6 . I told my oncologist I'd made a new years resolution to get through them all. I am so desperate to give myself a chance of more time with my family.
Today I have been out shopping and although tired I'm ok. So there is hope.
Had such a miserable time before. Had blood clot some damage to heat rhythm and a Nervous Breakdown last March.
I think maybe someone up there...hopefully my Mum is watching over me
Everyone who responded offered kind words of encouragement and just being there in the dark hours at 3am..I am eternally grateful . When you all have your own battles and fears you were there when I was so frightened. Thank you Thank you Thank you.
I feel I can cope with number 2 on 21st.
My love to you all . Superstars !!! ❤❤❤❤❤ xxxx