Recent diagnosis: Hi, My mum has recently just... - My Ovacome

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Recent diagnosis

Emmalouise071 profile image
13 Replies


My mum has recently just been diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. Its come as a complete shock to my family as no history and mum always been active. We are all apprehensive about the next few months. Does anyone have any advice on how to support my mum through this and how to look after yourself? Im a little lost right now.

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Emmalouise071 profile image
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13 Replies
Microbabe profile image

This is such a difficult time for you and your family .... you are doing all you can at the moment by supporting your mum ... thIs site is great for support stories and advice the ladies are wonderful ... fear of the unknown is probably what is driving your and mums anxiety ... have you got a treatment plan ... for me chemotherapy was not as bad as expected I lost my hair all of it eyelashes and eyebrows included but I saw they funny side and laughed at my reflection that I was so not used to seeing .. there are many hurdles to overcome but staying positive helps you find an internal strength to fight the little beggar and strive to come out on top with a smile on your face ... the journey isn't easy but it's doable especially with the support and encouraging words from the ovacom ladies .... sending big hugs and support to you and your mum we are here when you need us 🤗🤗

Rachael47 profile image

If your mum goes down the usual track of operation plus chemo she will feel poorly for some of the time, but not all. The usual advice - tell her to rest as much as she needs, but to get in as much exercise as she can tolerate. The worst part IMHO is the uncertainty, waiting to start treatment and for scan results. The stress is intense and it is worth investing in mind-numbing activities. I bought the box set of Midsomer Murders, which has been invaluable!

I expect you have thought of this, but it is a good idea for someone to attend appointments with your mum - it is all to easy to come out of a consultation without any memory of what has been said. The best way for you and her to support each other is to talk openly and honestly about your fears. It is hard to do but worth it.

Rachael xx

MissEd profile image


My mum was diagnosed in July 16, she has had 6 chemo and is going in for hysterectomy and debulking on Monday.

I can honestly say it is the most stressful thing I've ever had to deal with but my friends have been a great source of positive thinking. And I've got to say all of the wonderful ladies on here have been brilliant.

I've attended appointments with mum and just bring positive thoughts.

I am a mum and in September was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer. I have had a full hysterectomy, my omentum removed and I have one more round of chemo to complete. I too was always active and never poorly - so as in your family's case, a complete shock- no cancer on either side of my family! The coming months will be tough but with love and support you will all find strength. Talk and share and allow yourselves to move through all your different emotions. To give your mum hope, my first scan has come back clear, no sign of cancer and my CA125 is now 9 - was 151 before chemo and surgery. Check out nutrition too - juicing! If you want me to send you some links and book recommendations, let me know.

CallmeMum profile image

Hello Lovely,

Being in the same sort of situation as yourself, when we found out about my special person we did the British thing and had a cup of tea then we cried, she was told 6 months with chemo that was 23 months ago, we've had good days and bad during that period of time however after 6 carbo/taxol 18 avastin debunking surgery remission 1 reoccurrence 4 carbo/gem she's now classed as dormant 😊.

You'll be tempted by Dr Google PLEASE don't look at statistics and that it's years out of date and she's an individual defy all the odds!

I believe that the ladies on this site know more than doctors know going through it themselves, by all means follow the doctors advice and keep to the treatment plans as they do know what they're on about but if you feel she's getting fobbed off about anything ask someone on this site we'll all answer if we know the answer. Keep us updated on her situation xxx

guerrera247 profile image

Hi Emma Louise, sorry to hear about your mum's recent diagnosis. My mom was diagnosed late November and similar to your story we have no family history etc. It is such a shock, it feels like your world has been turned upside down. You need to dig down and find the strength - it is there I promise! It helps when the treatment programme starts, we were so apprehensive about the chemo - but now we know more or less how my mom's body reacts each time we can deal with it. It is so hard, but just by being there for her in any way that you can, making her laugh when times are tough, being there when she needs a cry - which is harder cause she is your mom! And please look after yourself - sleep, exercise and eat well. In order to help you need to be okay. This site is great, lots of brilliant advice and experiences. Love to you and your mom and your family. G

Emmalouise071 profile image

Thank you all for your messages! We have never heard of anyone else going through this type of cancer before so its really reassuring to hear from you all!

Hopefully when my Mum is ready I can point her in this direction so she can talk to women who have had similar experiences.

Ill be sure to keep you all updated with her progress. She has her treatment plan in place. 3 lots of chemo, surgery, 3 lots of chemo. Her first lot of chemo starts this thursday 16th Feb xx

badger4218 profile image
badger4218 in reply to Emmalouise071

Just to echo the great replies above, attending appointments with my sister I eventually discovered that keeping a notebook, writing our questions down as we thought of them and taking the notebook to all appointments saved us from that " we forgot to ask " feeling the second we arrived home .Please make sure that you take care of yourself as mum will be needing your strength. I also asked the Doctor if my sister could see a dietitian, just another tool in the box Advocate for mum. I,ve made a right pest of myself, I,m sure the receptionists hide when they see me coming....and you know what . .it works!. Against my nature to make a fuss but when the chips are down it,s the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. Thinking of you. marie. x

Biscuitqueen profile image


I was in a similar situation to you not that long ago...I felt so overwhelmed and useless but I found that doing things together like praying/meditation was helpful. It also helped with the stress. It doesn't work for everyone but she wouldn't have done it alone if I hadn't started with her.

As someone else mentioned, don't over -Google! Everybody does it, it's human to be curious but I wouldn't believe everything you read. There are so many types of cancer and it seems no one really has updated the stats on OC.

I'm sending you a great big hug. I wish your Mum all the best and strength for you too :)

luluw profile image


I can't add much to all the excellent advice you've already had except to say, don't be alarmed by all the scare stories about the 'failing' NHS. From the moment I went to my GP with unexplained bleeding my treatment has been amazing. My GP, surgeon, oncologist and nurses have been fantastic-I couldn't have asked for better. Have faith in your Mum's medical team-they will look after her well.

Keep in touch with us here, we will be here for you.

Love and hugs

Lou xxxxxxxxxx

Tina28 profile image

Educate and inform yourself and take control back by visiting websites such as THE TRUTH ABOUT CANCER, CANCER TUTOR and CANCER ACTIVE.

Inspiring stories, nutritional advice etc.

Don't forget SUGAR FEEDS CANCER. Cut it out of your diet. Start juicing with lots of veg and some fruit to build up your immune system.

You are not alone.

Sunfleury-UK profile image
Sunfleury-UK in reply to Tina28

I would absolutely agree on the empowering benefits of education and finding good quality information. Similarly the benefits of a well balanced diet including plenty of vegetables, fruit, good quality protein, whole grains etc are indisputable...

I feel it important though to add a word of caution: there are considerable debates about the credibility of all that is claimed in the websites you suggest and especially the blanket statement 'sugar feeds cancer'. I would simply suggest that reviews of such sites and claims are also considered and then we might all make our own informed conclusions.

I wholeheartedly believe that we all need to find our own individual holistic approach to living well after a cancer diagnosis and am convinced that there is much out there to learn both within conventional medicine as well as beyond.

I personally found the information and course at Penny Brohn to be a good place to start to find an informed balance whilst respecting the trauma of the diagnosis and treatments.

It is good to hear all voices and viewpoints....

Best wishes, Sx

Tina28 profile image
Tina28 in reply to Sunfleury-UK

Totally agree with you Sx that's why I've put these websites up for people to read and decide for themselves so they have choices and to know there are other options for them if they wish to go down that path.

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