So I have been worrying that the pain in my side might have been sinister, turns out that my CA125 is fine, still below 3, bloods are all fine and Olaparib trial going well, 3 years 5 months in remission this time. The pains? well that turned out to be either damaged ligaments between the ribs or cracked ribs from either a sneeze or a cough from a cold I had recently! A few weeks of pain is better than the alternative !
Another three month checkup - good news - My Ovacome
Another three month checkup - good news

Great to hear. I'm not brca positive so no hope of getting Olaparib at the mo though I believe there is some successs with us brca neg people!
Hope you continue on the healthy path and I wish you well xxxx
Congratulations. Fantastic numbers ☺. Have another great year. Loraine 💙. Lxx
Superb news, hope you can actually take a breath and relax if only for a little while xx
Oh wow fantastic news so pleased for you! 👏👏👏 Love Michelle x💐
Fantastic news. You must be so relieved...cracked ribs are really painful and there's no treatment as such, so thinking of you. All the best!
Brilliant news!
I have my first 3 month check tomorrow and am very anxious about it!
Excellent news. You're doing brilliantly. Xxxx
That is the best news am so happy for you. I'm always totally inspired by your amazing remission
LA xx
Hi Kathy, what fantastic news, really pleased for you
Take care
L x
Amazing. Truly an inspiration. Good news for 2017 xx
Fantastic news Kathy. Delighted for you. You're an inspiration to us all. Hugs ❤ xo
So happy for you. I have my 3 month check on Monday &am also rather nervous as my digestion isn't quite right, hoping its just anxiety as I have always had IBS. You are an inspiration xxx
Good luck for Monday, please let us know how you get on. Hopefully its your IBS , and I mean that in the nicest way
Go Girl you really are the inspiration on this site! Would love to go on Olaparib but have to be poisoned a third time before they will give it me!
Have a good day xx

Lets hope that third time doesn't come
Superb. As you replied to one of the posts above - this definitely gives us all hope x
Brill news. Hope the pain is sorted soon.
Hi Kathy
Fantastic ! Not the pain but the ordinary reason behind it. It reminds me of a few months back when I had severe back pain a week after chemo. Turned out to be slipped disc. I must have been the happiest person in the world with a slipped disc ! We women can endure anything provided it's not the dreaded monster. Keep on smiling. Take care
Great news and a good start for the new year!!!! It is so easy for our minds to run to a bad conclusion with every ache and pain we get. Considering the alternative a cracked ribs is just fine.
Great inspiration to us all to be in remission that long.
Xx Carol
Great news Kathy, please keep posting, it's fab to share good news (as well as bad news), well done + hope you keep posting good news for years to come!
Hope the rib problem heals soon
Love Brenda xx
Really happy that your treatment is going well for you Kathy, you have been through such a lot with loosing both your parents on top of what you are going through
sending you hugs xxx
Katmal, your bio is an inspiration. Thank you for posting it. We need to know that women can survive and thrive whilst fighting off this scourge. Thank you. Tesla
Thanks Tesla. I have been so incredibly lucky i think. Having been told I had a couple of years Im shocked to find myself here in my 10th year, but here I am . If my bio gives just one person hope then all is good :). hope you are doing ok xx Kathy xx
Glad to hear you are doing well. Try to lose the worry, worrying won't change a thing and you will just be wasting time. Not sure what you are rushing round trying to get done but once and a while feed your soul, stop and smell the roses, admire the blue sky on a sunny day or just watch the rain fall, savour each day and the fact that you are still here and take it for what it is the 'present'. That housework will still be there later, the ironing will still be there . I sometimes sit and just people watch and wonder if any of them are going through what we are. Good grief that sounds like I'm preaching and I really don't mean to because it took me a while to reach where I am now in terms of letting things go (bit of a control freak), so I don't now hoover every day etc, does it matter? I don't think it does ...... Kathy xxx