First of all I have to say what a great site this is.
I am at the waiting for my scan stage after a Ca 125 test result of 57.
My GP did the test after I went with a raft of problems and niggles which have been rumbling (literally) for a couple of years now. I'm going to be 46 in a month, have 3 children 28, 12 and 8, the last c section. I also had an umbilical hernia mesh repair about 7 and half yrs ago when my youngest was still a baby.
I'm just under 5ft 2, weigh 7 stone 10 and am quite active generally and I do some weights for a bad shoulder every other day, plank (for hernia) and walk the dogs every day. I also go running with them about 3 times a week.
I was sent home with my result on a Post It note so that I could check it out online. My GP said he didn't think it would be anything sinister but also said that he wasn't sure what other problems could cause a rise in Ca 125.
Probably like everyone else who has had this result I spend a fair amount of time every day Googling this subject! I've read lots of study reports and results about a raise in levels during menstruation because my blood was taken on the 4th day of my cycle. The studies do show that there is often an elevation but the studies all had a cut off of 35.
I went back and asked for another test on day 17 of my cycle, although my GP understood about the menstruation issue he didn't think it made much difference and said he was happy for me to have another test and this time the result was 31.
My transvaginal scan is tomorrow. I'm slightly concerned that it will be inconclusive because my womb is folded and tilted and the last time I had a scan for my increasingly heavy periods they couldn't actually see my internal organs!
I spoke to a really helpful lady from the help line because I wanted to know if there was any point in having the scan given the lower test result, and was told that I should go as a raised level is a raised level and they can go down even for people who have been diagnosed. But I would be interested to know if anyone else has had this experience and what the outcome was.
My symptoms:
about 2 years ago my periods suddenly became very heavy, with clots
relentless discomfort and sometimes nausea after eating - burping, rumbling tummy, often feeling as though I need to poo and wind (lovely!)
pain in my back during ovulation going through to the front and side
some leakage from back passage
alternating diarrhoea and constipation