Had first taxol carbo 2 weeks ago hair coming out but only if I touch it or brush it wig in shop ready just not sure how long to wait going away for the weekend will i still have hair or will it be all out by then xx
Hair : Had first taxol carbo 2 weeks ago hair... - My Ovacome

You will still have hair mine came out like yours if I ran my fingers through it... it became very thin but I didn't get rid if it all till 4th chemo ... shaved it off... have great weekend 😃
It will still be coming out more and more PLUS it may be as dry and dead as an old straw by then!
Mine started coming out on the Tuesday (exactly two weeks since my first chemo) and although there was still lots left I could lift a bit up and it would stay that way! Hubby clippered my hair to a grade 2 on the Sat and although I cried a bit with the first cuts I was so Pleased to have it off!! Don't hang on to your hair too long , it feels horrid and you feel empowered afterwards even if you need to accept it.
Take care
Clare xx
Thank you it's defo dry like straw I had in my mind I would be ok with hair loss but now it's here I am finding it very hard makes it more real I sopose xx
Oh and is it normal to feel a bit of scalp pain when touching it feels weird xx
Yes, scalp is tight and sore just before it starts to come out, that feeling will soon stop though.,
Hi, My hair had almost all gone by the 2nd cycle of chemo, it certainly wasn't in any state that I wanted to show it off. I would have a stand by just in case!!
Enjoy your weekend, Helen x
My hair almost made it to 3 weeks, but it got very, very thin, so my husband shaved it off for me. Your hair might still be OK by the weekend - maybe see how it goes?
I found that the most distressing part of my hair falling out. I got up in the morning and lots of hair was on the pillow. I said to myself, I have got to shave it off. I spoke to the lady that supplies wigs and a few days later I had it shaved off. I felt relief in a way, that I had some control. Although I very rarely wear the wigs they are there if I want them or not, I usually wear scarves or hats. That's mt story. It may not suit you as we all deal with things differently.
I wish you well and be nice to yourself.
I had my 2nd carbo/taxol 2 days ago. Like you mine started to come out on about day 14. Within 2 days of that it had it had lost its life and started wearing a scarf. had it cut pre chemo and then had it cut again on day 16. I have very little left now and what is there is very thin and almost white for some reason.Was away for the weekend and i went prepared with wig,scarves and hats. Glad I did the bed was covered. It also enabled me get used to the different look where I didn't know anyone. Can't quite face up to having the last bit shaved but know its inevitable. I have found it pretty traumatic and have only just started feeling comfortable enough to go scarf free around the house. Everyday it gets easier,
Take care
I wanted to feel in control and not b e upset when my hair started to come out like yours. I had it shaved and wig on and felt much better. No more gray roots or need to cut. My morning routine became much quicker. shower dry wig out the door.
XX Carol
Hi You should be okay for the weekend.But be prepared soon after that..First time losing my hair was devastating. I cried soooooo much watching it slowly fall out every time I washed and brushed my hair.Hair all over the place.I held onto it too long.On my first reoccurance losing it again, I totally shaved my hair within three weeks.I was not going to go through that again.I had my wig already,so When I was ready,I shaved it ,put my wig on and excepted the hair loss much more.I get more compliments with my wig.They look so real.Good luck.Enjoy your weekend.Lynn