Well despite having a CT scan, a PET scan and a MR I scan, they still can't say for sure what my 'little something' is, so I have to go into hospital on Wednesday for an op to remove it. If it's attached to bowel, they will need to remove part of that, if it's just attached to ureter they will need to remove part of that. To say I'm scared is an understatement! Anyone else had this and can offer words of reassurance?
Still not sure: Well despite having a CT scan, a... - My Ovacome
Still not sure

They don't know if it's cancer, or a cyst? Maybe the growth hasn't invaded the bowel. My surgeon got me frightened as you are now by telling me about removing part of bowel, etc and it turned out she didn't have to do any of that. Try to keep positive and know that the doctors will do everything to make you well. Hugs.
jintyp, I had both my bowel and bladder resected and it saved my life. I know this is very, very scary and my heart goes out to you. I am sending positive energy to you. Virtual hug, Tesla
Tesla,thanks for that. how long was your recovery? They are going to cut in same place as my hysterectomy scar so wondering if it's similar recovery time?
Jintyp, I had the bladder and bowel resection done at same time as hysterectomy. I cannot even remember recovery time!!!! I have such bad chemo brain I can't remember a thing unless I write it down. I do know that considering the massive surgery I had things actually went quite well!
My third surgery was the same site as hysterectomy incision just higher to breast bone. I would say healing took a little longer but it's now 10 months post op and it's just a purple line. My bowel had minimal invasion but stoma was put in will find out if being reversed in four weeks. After the shock factor you kind of just get Used to it.
Best of luck
Thanks LA. Surgeon told me I wouldn't need stoma- that was first thing I asked!- so hopefully he's right x
Could it just be scar tissue! that seems to be a problem for many. My surgeon says its common. Stay positive! Hugs!!
HI there so sorry you have to have this surgery but at least you will know for certain what is the problem. It is good your consultant is being very thorough sending you best wishes
Sorry about your upcoming surgery. I had my colon & rectum removed 9 years ago (not cancer related), with a permanent stoma, had a revision of that in 2014. No cancer, everything was fine. The hysterectomy was at the end of April of this year...sheesh that is a lot of belly surgery! Sometimes I think we are a lot stronger than we ever imagined we could be.
Hoping for the best results for you.