Hi everybody
First of all I want to thank all the kind ladies who replied to me last week as I agonised over the merits of Carboplatin only as my treatment for recurring PPC. If I didnt thank you individually I am sorry as it was my intention to reply to everyone. I really appreciated every single reply and it certainly helped me to clarify everything and make my decision . My treatment starts next Monday.
You may wonder why I am on again if I have made up my mind. Yesterday was my day for all the pre chemo check ups and talk with the CNS. Just a few things they said scared me so maybe you could just put my mind at rest about some of them. I was happy enough leaving the hospital with my sister in law who accompanied me..
1. Allergic reactions. If I tolerated it first time 5years ago will the reaction be less severe?
2. I was told if I had no adverse reaction for the first one they would increase the dose.
Has anyone else had that experience and if so how did it go ?
3 . The hair question. How thin does it get and is it very noticeable ? I'm thinking another wedding and looking like a scarecrow !
4. I know that yesterday's talk said no alcohol and I genuinely forgot if I could raise a toast and have a sip !
To be honest girls I am now so scared and I was really brave yesterday. I thought bring it on ! Today i just want to curl up in a corner and hide away from the world . I had a mental block about even putting up this post . You must know my style by now . Why use one word when I can use 10 , is usually my way ! Thanks for reading this .