Was not sure how to reintroduce myself but find myself out of sorts today. I thought I would log in to read some happy posts and spare a thought for ovarian sufferers that maybe be feeling the same as myself at the moment. Has anyone ever suffered a bowel obstruction through ovarian? I have recently had a hospital stay where suspected disease has pushed on my kidney and bowel. Amazingly I am off the pain killers and almost back to how I was before the admission but scared for the future.
Almost 5 years a 3c sufferer: Was not sure how to... - My Ovacome
Almost 5 years a 3c sufferer

Hi. I havent had a bowel obstruction but I am stage 3 and my first remission was 4.5 years so can imagine how you are feeling right now. I was diagnosed in October 2007, still here despite 2 recurrences. Currently NED (well heres hoping my scan this Friday shows continuing remission). What has your oncologist suggested in terms of treatment if you dont mind me askin? Sending you a big hug. Kathy xx
Hi, my oncologist is considering possibly more chemo, I see him 17 May, but I am asking about targeted surgery thinking is it worth further wound adhesion if it means a potential bowel blockage can be avoided. I understand surgical wound adhesion is not ideal but is it the lesser of the two evils. Surgeons are reluctant to operate cos I had DE bulking 2012.
Not sure my case is exactly the same as yours. On initial diagnosis the tumour was found to be quashing part of the bowel. My consultant was concerned that I might have a blockage so suggested I had a stoma whilst I underwent chemo and debulking surgery. This was done and there was no further problem with the bowel. The stoma was reversed once I had recovered from all the other treatment. No problem since the reversal. As I say may not be exactly the same as yours but I was told that problems with the bowel are quite common with oc as all 'our bits' are so close together! Wishing you well x
Yes, I had a bowel obstruction when going through first line treatment. It was frightening. Thankfully by pumping me full of fluids for 3 days with nil by mouth, they managed to flush it through.
I'm going through 2nd line treatment now and it worries me that it will happen again. I try to keep my bowels regular and the oncologist prescribes a stool softener with each chemo.
Ann xo
Hi. Unfortunately my first symptoms of oc was of a perforated bowel had to have emergency surgery for stoma, that. Was last July. Have had no further surgery but completed course of chemo, last scan showed no visible disease and tumour markers down to 4. Coping with stoma but hopefully if all continues well looking to have it reversed end of year I T IS AS WE KNOW A HORRIBLE STRANGE DISEASE. Good luck to all x
Here's hoping and praying for you valo
I have a appointment with consultant for plasma jet , to see if can help with bowel nodules, plus other cancer spread in January, and more chemo!😘😘