Hiya everyone new on this forum but not new to healthunlocked as am already a member of the COPD forum. I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid last January on my 47th Birthday, it was diagnosed through routine blood tests which I have to have due to the meds I am on. Anyway fastrack to Wednesday 23rd March and I noticed/felt this large lump about 2 inches away from my bellybutton. I initially thought it might be a hernia as I had foolishly tried to push my car and thought I may have strained something. I got an appointment for Thursday and still thinking it was a hernia I was completely floored when the doctor said no it cant be as its way down low in my stomach and she immediately mentioned ovarian cancer/bowel cancer and took bloods for CA-125 just as a precaution as there is no family history of anyone having cancer in the family and I also have NO symptoms of ovarian cancer either but as you can imagine I am worried sick as I already have COPD and am under no illusions that that was going to finish me off eventually. I have googled Ovarian cancer and ovarian cysts trying to get a better picture and sometimes I am ok then read where the person has died. I don't know how long its going to take to get an appointment and am scared stiff what tests they will do. I have read several posts on here and none so far have had a happy outcome so will be greatful to hear from anyone who has had treatment/surgery and been perfectly fine.
Sorry for the essay and thanks for reading to the bottom !
Kind regards
Liz x