2nd Caelyx : Had second lot of Caelyx on Friday... - My Ovacome

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2nd Caelyx

11 Replies

Had second lot of Caelyx on Friday without any reaction, phew!!

Feeling ok and have had a lovely weekend with my family, we got our Christmas tree to put up tomorrow so feeling positive.

Wishing you all well xx

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11 Replies
Fuffyfrost profile image

Hi K,

Sorry I don't know your name. I'm having my first Caelyx on Wednesday. Does it have similar effects as other chemos ie nausea, over eating because of steroids. Have been warned about problems with hands and feet.? Also a rash. Can you tell me please which line is it? It will be my 4th.!look forward to your reply xx fiona

in reply to Fuffyfrost

Hi Fiona

My 2nd line, had carbo/taxol for 1st line.

The first time on Caelyx I did suffer with 2/3 days of nausea and couldn't eat much those few days, but after that felt OK. I came out in a very slight rash which was a but itchy but had cream from oncologist so that really helped, it's called Dermol 500, I also had slight tingles in my hands and feet but it didn't bother me to any great extent.

My oncologist is really good as when I tell him what side effects I have he tries to give me what I need, he's given me anti sickness stronger and for a longer period this time, so hopefully won't feel too bad this time. My hair hasn't really changed much, I'm still working and doing my normal things so that's positive.

I have Caelyx every 4 weeks, how often do you have to have it?

I had my 2nd Caelyx treatment last Friday.

Hope this answers any questions Fiona. Please let me know how things go will be thinking of you.



Fuffyfrost profile image
Fuffyfrost in reply to

Hi Karen ,

Thank you. I start treatment tomorrow and it will be every four weeks as well.

Will let you know how I get on with treatment. Take care cxx fiona

jane2014 profile image


I'm very glad to hear your course is going well. I too had my second Caelyx last week. May I ask if you have lost any hair? I knew mine would thin but it really is shedding a lot to the point that I've had to invest in a wig (which I'm delighted with incidentally). I even endured the cold cap for the second session but it's still shedding heavily.

Hope you continue to respond well. Presumably your next session is not till after Xmas?

All the very best


in reply to jane2014

Hi Jane

No haven't lost any hair as yet, my oncologist has told me it might go a bit thin but I shouldn't lose it. I haven't seen any changes just yet. Still have 8 to go.

Next Caelyx in January so looking forward to Christmas now. Wishing you well to, when is your next Caelyx or have you had it already?

All the very best



jane2014 profile image
jane2014 in reply to

Hello Karen

like you, my next, third lot of Caelyx is not till the first week of January so looking forward to a hopefully, clinic free Xmas. i was quite knocked out after my first lot but the second batch has been fine. I think I may have been de-hydrated the first time so have been drinking gallons of water. My only other side effect so far has been the hair loss but worthwhile if my CA125 continues to go down. It reduced from 480 to 170.

All the very best

Jane x

in reply to jane2014

That's great news Jane.

Have a great Christmas


in reply to

Sorry Jane pressed reply before I'd finished, great news about ca125 going down, yes I've been drinking water loads, my CNS has told me that water does help the side effects so I'm drinking lots.

We can enjoy Christmas now.

Best wishes


JPTjpt123 profile image

Hi. Just had my 4th month of Caelyx. and went ok. But the month before this time I had vomiting, nausea and diarrohea so went to get checked out and was in Hospital for 1 week with a blocked bowel. Was on a drip for 5 days and when only small bits of food two days ago. I don't know whether it is part of the Chemo or the Cancer. Anyway I haven't lost any hair, my palms are red but that's no problem I just cream them, this is only a result of the chemo. I lost weight but am starting to feel a bit better now, but have to go back to hospital if vomiting, nausea, diarrohea comes back. I hope not. Anyway two more monthly cycles to go and we shall see what happens. my CA125 is going down slowly. I am going shopping tomorrow as I feel good today.



in reply to JPTjpt123

Fingers crossed you won't get the nausea etc again, yes my palms went about red but creamed them and they've been ok.

Good news that ca125 going down.

Have fun shopping

Best wishes


Celtic6648 profile image

Just shows how everybody is different , I had no problem whatsoever with caelyx . Kept hair found the regime very easy . Did not take the steroids . Hate the side effects . . Take care Annie

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