Hi all I haven't posted in a while, I'm 43 and am on my 1st recurrence after 2.5 years clear and having my third chemo of carboplatin tomorrow. I read a recent letter yesterday on my pre chemo appointment and it says I have low grade serous carcinoma stage 3b and I know sounds silly but didn't exactly know what type I had before!
Is there anyone on here that has the same as me and has anyone an idea of the life expectancy prognosis. I had full debulking surgery almost 3 years ago along with 6 sessions of chemo (carboplatin) and got the all clear after a scan. This time they say it looks like grains of rice scattered on the scan so they won't operate but I can have chemo which I'm having at the moment. I know low grade is quite chemo resistant so after my chemo tomorrow I have a scan booked in next week to see whether it's working and if so I can carry on with the next three chemos and if not I have to have something else which I don't know what yet. This time I had a very bloated stomach and had 2.5 litres of ascites drained off and have had low down period like pain but ascites has stayed away and the the period pain went after a couple of weeks post my 1st treatment and right now (for 4 weeks now) I wouldn't know there was anything wrong with me which I'm hoping is a good sign before my scan next week?!!
Anyone with similar or the same out there and if so any advice or thoughts on prognosis?
Jo xxx