Hi everyone
There is a support day being organised by Target ovarian cancer on the 18th April from 10am - 4pm. It will be at Maggie’s Merseyside, Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, Bebington, Wirral, CH63 4JY. The location is very close to M53. The event is designed to offer you practical, emotional and social support to help you live well with ovarian cancer. The day will utilise the expertise of Maggie’s facilitators to deliver a range of informative and supportive workshops on topics such as diet and nutrition, living well with cancer, relaxation and understanding benefits.
I have attended these events and they are great, you get to meet other ladies in the same position and it gives you a great deal of support. Please feel free to contact me as well if you want more info. If you live in the area please book a place.
If you would like to attend contact Sarah Jeffrey on 07714 750 866 or sjeffrey@targetovariancancer.org.uk
If you would like to know more or book a place online have a look at websitetargetovariancancer.org.uk/...