Black Friday Fun: I thought it was time for a bit... - My Ovacome

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Black Friday Fun

Whippit profile image
23 Replies

I thought it was time for a bit of levity to cheer us all up. Anyone got any comments, or experiences of Black Friday?

I'll start it off. I'd never heard of Black Friday before 8:30 a.m. this morning when my daughter rang me and told me John Lewis have 10 bargain Smart TVs. 'What's a Smart TV?' I asked. (I'm not very worldly). Well it's a television that connects to the internet, you can tell it what channel you want to watch, you can read your emails on it and look at photos, and it comes with two pairs of free specs you wear to watch 3D TV.

I wasn't sure whether I wanted all that. I don't even watch TV .... but perhaps if I could talk to my TV rather than messing about with 3 remotes I MIGHT find a channel to my liking. Ten minutes later I'm the proud to-be owner of a 40" Smart something-or-other L something D TV with optional 3D. All gobbledygook to me but apparently it's going to improve my life.

I take delivery of my splendid new television on 11 December. If I can talk to my new TV does it mean it's going to answer back? My daughter says I'll love it when I get it !!!!????

By the way, that is not me in the photo! I completed my Black Friday purchase online.

How about anyone else? Any funny stories or thoughts on this capitalism-gone-mad day?

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Whippit profile image
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23 Replies
ScottishMisty profile image

Think it's very sad that the UK is following in this US craze. We are becoming so Americanised it is scary. Personally I am British and never want to be a Yank. Anyone stupid enough to get involved in this mad shopping needs their heads examined. Why do we persist in letting the media take over our lives? Let's go back to the simple way of life where we thought of others before ourselves. We are turning into a very greedy selfish world.

Sorry Annie rant over for now!

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to ScottishMisty

Oh dear, no need to apologise for a rant on here! I certainly wouldn't take it personally and was horrified to hear police were called into supermarkets to calm riots.

But I'll hold up my hand for participating in the stupidity. I've got a television coming. At least I didn't descend to rioting for it! It was more just taking advantage of the moment.

I too wish we were still British rather than chopped up into little pieces and the threat of even more devolution within English regions.

I'm not sure we ought to blame anyone else but ourselves for our greed and not putting others first.

xx Annie

ScottishMisty profile image
ScottishMisty in reply to Whippit

Oh no Internet shopping is fine Annie! I will let you off with that one ha ha.

Hoping you are well x

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to ScottishMisty

I'm fine, pretty tired today, but relieved to hear you think my foray into Internet Black Friday is OK! xxxx

LeenieB profile image

Interesting and very amazing post Annie and I thank you for it. Just started ruddy second line today, only found out on Wednesday that I needed it. 6 hrs in the chair but it went ok and I am feeling well.

Many thanks for the messages that I have had over recent days.

Love to all

Leenie AKA Eileen in the real world x x x

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to LeenieB

Hi Eileen, That must have been quite a shock to be told on Wednesday that you needed to start your second line Friday. What a whirlwind for you. That's a long session for chemo. Did you end up having the same as before? Carbo and Taxol?

Keeping my fingers crossed for you that you keep well and this lot has a good effect.

Loads of love xxx Annie

kazrazmataz profile image
kazrazmataz in reply to LeenieB

Oh Eileen sorry I did not know. Thinking of you, take care my lovely, you can do it!

Kaz x

LeenieB profile image

I had a ct scan last Friday and a meeting with my Oncolgist on Wednesday, it happened so quick and I am in shock still but at least I will have Number 2 before Christmas, it was a long session and I had the same as before Carbo/Taxo, I am feeling so well and will do well, I am sure of that. Going to work next week too , this ruddy thing will have to live under my terms now, I have had enough of it.

What`s new with you Annie x

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to LeenieB

Hi Eileen

It's great you're feeling well. My hat off to you for returning to work next week. I love your idea of the ruddy thing having to live under your terms! What a great attitude. I hope it continues to know who's boss for a long time to come.

I've just started a 3-month hospital break. I stopped Avastin a couple of weeks ago as it was no longer working and to avoid going straight into another treatment I'm having a little Christmas holiday on the recommendation of my hospital. My next scan and appointment is mid-February so I guess I'll be looking at starting my third line of chemo some time after that unless symptoms appear that I need to report back to the oncy. It seems very sixth form and grown-up to be contemplating a third line of chemo.

I'm looking forward to my chemo and hospital holiday. I have to plan for a more sedentary life and have things to do that I enjoy in the home so my daughter suggested I get wised up to television and all the interesting things I can watch if I find out how to use catch-up TV and know which channels to look out for. Becky, my daughter, says some have an integral camera so you can actually set up a Skype chat right from your sofa and even email! It would be such fun to be able to chat or mail people that way.

I'm going to the APPG for Ovarian Cancer next Tuesday at Westminster then have been invited for dinner afterwards at the House of Commons which is very exciting. I have quite a few meetings in London, with Macmillan, etc. linked to the Wales stuff which has had a lot of media coverage recently, and a meeting with Baroness Delyth Morgan to talk about the campaign for fair access to cancer treatments in Wales and a 98,700 signature petition recently handed in to 10 Downing Street. My body might be deteriorating but my mind is still in the right frame.

xxx Annie

thesilent1 profile image
thesilent1 in reply to LeenieB

That's the spirit Eileen. Kick its ass well and good. Ann xo

Cre27 profile image
Cre27 in reply to LeenieB

Love your attitude to what has happened x

daisies profile image

Oh Whippet how true to read your post. Like UK - here in Ireland we have adopted the worst & excess of US customs... I have had 3 offers to spend money today on Black Friday.

Hope your new TV has the newly developed curved screen - for "greater participation in viewing" ????. I will worry if you talk to the TV & you tell us it has answered you back. I agree with you though on the number of remote controls we require now to work all these new gadgets. what happened to hands

Unrelated comment: A good friend told me recently that I was not to look for sympathy as she knew where to find it " located between sex and syphilis in the dictionary" Hope I don't offend anyone. Daisies

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to daisies

hahahaha very good. I love your friend's take on things! Surely nobody is offended on a support site where we all get together for a hug, for friendship, for a laugh, a weep, a rant, and all the other things we need as we go along our journey.

The television isn't one of those new curved screens but their emergence is probably the reason why the flat screen Smart televisions are a huge bargain.

I do hanker after the old ways, the Brownie promise of serving others before ourselves, of deference, of people knowing their station in life .... until I think just how unfair that system was for many, and of the abuses it disguised.

I've been watching the television news tonight as I've become interested in Black Friday. What horrendous scenes in supermarkets.

It was much more civilised buying a new television online from the comfort of my bed this morning. xxxx Annie

daisies profile image

I have to admit that I have organised grocery shopping on-line a few times, but the problem is that delivery does NOT include unpacking and putting everything away!!!. Am I asking too much????


Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to daisies

hahaha quite right Daisies

I'm rubbish at online ordering. My daughter talked me through the television purchase this morning.

Whenever I've ordered groceries online I end up with miniscule amounts of items when I needed a generous amount, or huge quantities of others I rarely use. It's a nightmare. I feel I should persist and perfect the technique because it will be my shopping of the future. xx

AnnieMae profile image

Couldn't believe the scenes on the news today. Black Friday, it's all we've heard this week and my emails have all been linked to it too! It's lucky no one was killed today and I think it was totally irresponsible of the big stores to encourage people with the promise of a 'bargain'!!! Off my soapbox now!

Annette xxx

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to AnnieMae

I think it's fine to stay on your soapbox Annette. For some reason the video clips I saw today reminded me of the horrific video accounts recorded during the Holocaust in the gas chambers where desperate people, robbed of all sense of humanity, climbed over each other to try to escape the deadly gas.

You wouldn't expect it in a supermarket in our 21st century United Kingdom.

A sobering thought. xx Annie

doodoolatrice profile image

Just been watching the mayhem on the TV. Last time I saw scenes like that was on holiday last year, when they opened the doors to the pool area and all the Brits were fighting for the sun beds.

helenhoops profile image

Ha Ha I know what you mean about the sunbeds! Went to Majorca a couple of years ago and going down to breakfast the first morning saw a long queue snaking round the hotel - everyone clutching their towels. When the doors were opened - well I've never seen people move so fast - it was absolutely hilarious to watch!!! xx

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to helenhoops

Best holiday I've ever had was in Charlottesville on the furthest tip of Tobago as far from the airport as you can get. Beautiful white sandy beaches, azure skies, turquoise water and a rainforest as a backdrop with flocks of parrots flying overhead. Not a sunbed in sight. I hope it hasn't changed. xxx

TrishLey profile image

I think we are trying to start ' Black Friday' here in Dublin too. Heard lots of ads and hype but did nothing about it, avoided town and shops which is hard because I live in the City Centre. However, I am so impressed Annie that you went online and bought the Smart TV ; how smart are you :) That picture is beyond sad but quite funny, there's 'nowt so queer as folk' to borrow a Welsh phrase. My husband is a gizmo freak I can hardly manage the remote control :) Rest up and I hope you enjoy your chemo holiday and your new TV when it arrives. I missed my 5th treatment due to low nuetrophils but in general the Etopiside/Carbo combo has been great. I'm about too settle in to a very Irish tradition, the Late Late Show "Toy Show episode" 2 hours of adults acting stupid and wearing silly hats and jumpers on TV and small children stealing the show.



Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to TrishLey

You've reminded me Trish that Dublin is on my bucket lists. I'll have to seek your advice as to the bests time to visit the city. I think I'd like to avoid Black Fridays or Pink Wednesdays and whatever else there is. Just nice to have a quiet meander. xx

HI Everyone, well I desisted from shopping yesterday. I dont think Black Friday hit Cork as yet but some of the shopping centres have done reducions the past few weeks in turns. My daughter went to one of these nights in Mahon Point on Thursday and she said it was mayhem. She went straight from work so I let her off and didnt offer to go with her. Annie of course you are right to treat yourself to a smart tv, you will have great fun over Xmas with it. I know things do tend to get a little commercialised but mostly for kids stuff. Frozen products as in frozen the movie are gone either scarce or prices have escalated here. It is hard for the parents who have mortgages and child care to provide Santa. It is worse for the unemployed and others. But we can also balance things by deciding how much to spend on pressies etc and perhaps donate to a deserving cause. I am hoping at some stage to replace the tv in kitchen dining room with a flat screen. We still have the old Walker tv but its working at the moment. I know what ye mean about the remotes, sometimes I am hopeless. Annie if you speak to the interactive tv would it turn on a dvd now that is what would interest me as I am bad at putting on dvds and have a few to catch up on. Glad everyone is in good cheer,

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