Time to Take a Bow Thank You For Your Lovely Co... - My Ovacome

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Time to Take a Bow Thank You For Your Lovely Comments I Shall Treasure Them Forever With Much Love From Gwyn

48 Replies

I thought I'd write this little rhyme,

To say goodbye to friends online.

I tried not to make a fuss,

Thought I'd leave because I must.

Thank you all for your support,

I never meant to cause you hurt.

Now's the time to move on,

To live my life, for however long.

Some were causing me distress,

Others supported nonetheless.

There were times I felt drained,

In an attempt to make a change.

But trying hard has took its toll,

Not what this site's about at all.

And all the while fighting cancer,

I never did have the answer.

Some comments left me confused,

Others made me more bemused.

Sometimes events have been sad,

Other times they've made me glad.

This is the rich tapestry of life,

Sometimes happy, sometimes strife.

Some felt at the end of their tether,

Through it all we were in it together.

Suddenly things were not so good,

Cancer took over - as it would.

This forum was meant for support,

Not to press buttons and report.

This certainly wasn't at all my aim,

And for some it became a game.

But now I feel my job is done,

Goodbye my friends on Ovacome.


48 Replies
Zannah profile image

Thank you for posting this on Gwyn's behalf Roley.

Gwyn says it all here!

Wishing her well with her forthcoming treatment and sending my love.

Zannah xxx

TrishLey profile image

Lovely poem Gwyn. Thanks for all your thoughtful poems and good advice. I hope you have a restful and peaceful time with good health and laughter. The great thing about this site is that if you feel the time is right you can rejoin and sure everyone would love to see that happen some day xxx Trish

Dear All, things are very hard for Gwyn at the moment but she was still thinking of us all and penned this poem to share her feelings with us. I have left this post open so she can read any replies. Gwyn I always thought of you as the mother of the site, someone who I could turn to for kindness and support. I will be thinking of you as you travel along your journey. Thank you, love Gill xxx

Lily-Anne profile image

A very fitting tribute from Gwyn, someone who I have found to be very supportive, even if we didn't always agree on treatment paths, there has always been respect and understanding.

LA xx

thehusband profile image

Gwyn.....goodbye and good luck....you take care....Laurence x

JAWilson profile image

Good luck Gwyn .. and thanks.



Dyana profile image

Gwyn ,

You will be so missed . Thankyou for all your wisdom and your poems to celebrate and commiserate . Best wishes for the future , take care , dy xx

HumbleD profile image


You will be missed and you know that if you ever change your mind, you can return.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Love Wendy xx

Gwyn you will be missed, no doubt the rottweillers are pleased with themselves but the 99.9% of us are sad to see you go. Xx Paul

Solange profile image

Good Bye and Good Luck, Gwyn. So sorry you feel you have to go - but remember - you can always come back. All the many comments,previously, from your many friends on this site show you how much you'll be missed. :-(

A super poem to express how you feel , too. Well done.

Love from Solange. :-)

Pimkin81 profile image

I've missed seeing your poems and responses already Gwyn. Good luck with your treatment- you'll be in my prayers.


thesilent1 profile image

Beautifully put Gwyn. Such a way with words you have. I shall miss your little poems and the fact that you were nearly always first to reslon, especially to new members. Wishing you the very best. Sorry I'm not in wales or I would have arranged to meet up with you. Ann xo

hosta567 profile image

I don't know you but God bless you xxxx

kaz14 profile image

Gwyn, I'm writing this with tears in my eyes, lovely poem, you will be so missed but I'm happy that you're doing what's right for you.

You take care of yourself.. Lots of love to you..

Love Kaz xx

wendydee profile image

I'll miss the smiles, the thoughtfulness for new members and the sympathetic responses, Gwyn. Wishing you happiness, calm, fun and the best of luck with any future treatment.

Thanks for all the musings and poems

Love Wendy xx

sweetpea profile image

Goodbye my friend, will miss you sorely. Lots of love Ann xxx

goinggaga profile image

Enjoy life Gwyn. Hope you keep as well as possible and thank you for all your poems and advice! You will be a big miss! Learned a lot from your experience. Take care.

.Love Wendy xxxx

Millie-May2 profile image

Thank you for a lovely poem and for everything you have done for us all. We are here if you need us.

Love, Millie xx

Caramel profile image

God bless Gwyn

lots of love

Mel & Carolyn


Izzystep profile image

Thank you Gwyn for your contributions to this site and the support that you have shown to many members.

Your birthday and anniversary poems and odes will be missed as will you :(

Take care of yourself, enjoy life and be happy :) :) :)

Love n hugs Irene xxxxxx

Madz profile image

I'll keep in touch Gwyn and love your poem as always - big hugs Amanda xxx

LesleyGreengran profile image

shame you're leaving when I'm new and we haven't 'met' but I hope things go well for you x

Thank you Gwyn for another amazing poem, you are a true inspiration and it is so wrong that nasty people have made you feel uncomfortable and have hurt you. Wishing you all the very best for your continuing journey and be proud of the help and support you have given to so many xx

iamstillme profile image

Thanks for posting . Miss Gwyn very much . Please pass on my love

Ally x

doodoolatrice profile image

What a lovely poem Gwyn. Thank you for all your support and advice. Take care of yourself, love Kerry x x

Bless you Gwyn for sending us this poem & thank you for all the support you've given :-) Take care, with love & very best wishes, Libby xx

dee61 profile image

Oh Gwyn!

louis2 profile image

I only came on this site in March after my hysterectomy and had received the news I had oc. You where the first person who responded to my post I was very confused and in shock I suppose. Your response to me was very supportive and reassuring and I greatly appreciated it Gwyn thank you. Since March they've discovered four tumours and I'm halfway through first line of chemo to have someone like you still on here would've been nice for advise and it's sad you've left . Good luck and best wishes to you Gwyn and thanks again xx

hil65wil profile image

You will be missed Gwyn as so many have posted. It was lovely to talk to you the other night and we will keep in touch. Good luck with your treatment.

drdu profile image

Good luck Gwyn with your treatment. Thank you so much for your support to me and to so many on this site.

Lots of love,

Eileen xxx

MarieH23 profile image

Thank you ...take care m x

HerThing profile image

All I can do is echo what everyone else feels. Your leaving is a big loss to this forum and it is such a shame this is likely to be the last of your poems we get to see. For a long time they have provided inspiration as people reach milestones in their lives that of course are celebrated all the more because of this awful disease. Your tributes to those friends we have made here and then tragically lost, have also been a great comfort to their families I am sure. God bless you, Gwyn for all you have contributed.

Andy and Angie xxx

jennybutler profile image

Oh Gwyn thank you for all you have put into this site, look how we care by response to your poem. Can you not reconsider we are going to miss you so much your wise words and encouragement.

Fondest Love Jenny xxx

Gwyn I am sorry sorry that you have left, the site will go on BUT their is only one Gwyn!! How much we shall miss all your support, You have been there for so many always caring even though you also have this dreadful disease.

All your poems happy, sad but with that personal touch to the individual that only you do.

I shall miss you my dearest friend take care and look after yourself.

Love Barbara.X

Fitzy profile image

Gwyn, what can I say that hasn't already been said by everyone. You are a lovely lady and it has been a pleasure meeting you. I will be keeping in touch privately and hope we can meet up again some time. Lots of love and big hugs Col xxx

nork2 profile image

Sending very best wishes Gwyn. Take good care of yourself.

Lynne xxxx

Fernanda profile image

Gwyn, we, who had the pleasure to "meet" you here will miss you a lot. Very sorry for the newbies who won't have the chance to receive your advices and support.

Love, Fernanda

Jan76 profile image

Dear Gwyn ,

To say 'Thank You ' does not seem enough really for all the support you have given over the last few years to so many on OC .

Barbara is right when she says there is only one ' Gwyn ' .

I for one will never forget that 'bottle of pop' who got of the train in London in May 13 for members day .

In the last section of your sad to say goodbye poem is a line that says 'This forum was meant for support ' never was a truer word said Gwyn .

You have a special gift with your poems and they have brought so much happiness , laughter and comfort to so many .

OC will not be the same now with out you but now is the time for you to think of your self .

Take good care now xxxx Thinking of you lots right now .

Love Jan xxxxxx

ArctoLindy profile image

I'm so sorry that you've left the forum, I'm also going to miss your comments and poems, but I can understand your decision - you have enough to deal with without having to deal with nastiness too. Take good care of yourself and keep writing your wonderful poetry! Much Love, Belinda xxx

Hi Gwyn, you can see for yourself how much regard the women on this forum have for you and there will always be a special place reserved especially for you. So, although you're having a break for now, you can come back any time you want to.

I hope your treatments go well and we see you on here again, when you're good and ready.

Lots of love Kat xxx

vipervictoria profile image

You will be missed, Gwyn. Thinking of you. Vxxx

fluffycloud profile image

Gwyn, sorry you feel that you have to leave, I found you to be a very caring lady and very supportive. I wish you all the best for the future. Love Pam x

trolleydollyuk profile image

So sorry to see you go. You will be missed by myself and all the other people on this site who found your support so valuable and your poems so fitting. Wishing you all the best.

Shabila xxx

citrine profile image

Thanks for posting this Roley. Such a lovely poem from Gwyn. Please give her my love and thanks. She is in my thoughts.

Mary xx

Seren18 profile image

Thanks for this poem. Gwyn wrote such a lovely poem when my young daughter Jaci passed away from this horrid disease.Gillx

MaggyH profile image

Goodbye Gwyn and thank you, you will be missed so much. Take care of yourself and good luck

Love Brenda x

Dear All, thank you so much for all your kind replies to Gwyn, I know they mean so much to her especially now when she is going through so much herself.

My thoughts are that Gwyn expresses how she is feeling in poetry and by doing this it helps her to move forward. Gill xxx

Cinderella profile image

Dear Gill

Thank you for posting this beautiful poem by Gwyn. Words cannot express how much I am going to miss her poems, sound words of advice and her love and compassion for each & every member on this site.

Gwyn, I wish you all the best on your journey & pray that you receive all the love & support you deserve.

Lots of love

Samixa X X

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