The Niggle: Hi Ladies thought I would let you... - My Ovacome

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The Niggle

17 Replies

Hi Ladies thought I would let you know I was seen today oncology appointment about to have 3rd chemo. I posted earlier about a niggle a pain that had been getting worse and of course I told no one other then yourselves and allowed myself to become increasingly worried that something awful was going on. Well I was brave or the pain had become too much and so I told my consultant today. Lesson learnt... My omeprazole has been double in dose one feel of the tummy and assured its peptic ulcer from the drugs and NOT cancer related. Consultant has also told me following CT scan next week a MDT meeting will take place (also next week) to discuss my readiness for surgery so hopeful this will be soon so I continue to move in the right direction.

I would like to ask if you lovely ladies have advice for me in regards to the surgery I remain strong and determined but the very word Debulking Radical its just so BIG.

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17 Replies
Whippit profile image

Dear Pelican

I'm relieved to hear the pain was nothing to worry about in the end. I think it's a good lesson learned to share any worries about niggling pains with the oncology team. This is not the time for bravery. However you've managed to sort that out. A big but remains in my mind and that is who prescribed the wrong dose of Omeprazole, or neglected to tell you to get back to them immediately if you had any stomach pain. Seems a bit naughty to me but anyway, on and up.

Debulking Radical does indeed sound BIG but you're obviously in a good centre that can perform radical surgery. Not everyone is so lucky. The proper names for it all are equally bizarre: Salpingectomy for taking out the fallopian tubes, and oophorectomy for doing the same to the ovaries! Who makes these words up!!! Anyway whilst the words are scary they won't hurt and you will be nice and comfortable and fast asleep whilst it's all going on.

There have been many tips given for dealing with surgery. The best is try not to worry as they really are amazing with what they can do. The nurses who looked after me were lovely and I met some lovely people in hospital. You just need to make sure before you go in that you've organised to be completely looked-after and spoilt when you get home as you'll be told to lift nothing so that might take a bit of organising in advance.

I'm sure others will have loads of great advice and reassurance for you. Let's hope you can get it behind you soon.

Loads of love xxx Annie

Thanks Annie your right at the end of the day you put yourself in their hands and allow them to do their jobs.

Thanks for your on going support which I see you give to so many on here xx

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to

It's just lovely to reach out to one another and make friends who are going through the same processes. I hope the ROARING continues unabated. xxxx

Pimkin81 profile image

I had exactly the same thing half way through chemo. I had been taking Omeprazole for years before all this started and I don't think anyone really reviewed that before chemo started. I had the typical 20 mg prescription from my Onc but I was already on 20 mg from my GP. So hardly surprising that I developed gastritis after chemo 3, a couple of weeks of doubling the dose sorted it out and have had no problems since. ALthough I now have yakult everyday too which has certainly helped.

I too was convinced it must be cancer and phoned up my CNS in a total panic, so relieved that it wasnt anything to really worry about.

Hope you get the same relief and good luck with your surgery. As Annie says make sure you have someone to look after you as lifting, tidying, cooking etc are all totally off limits! I am checking in for my 2nd laparotomy tomorrow, so will be following that advice again too!


Zannah profile image

Dear Pelican,

I would just echo what Annie has said above. Debulking sounds horrid but whilst your asleep they'll get on with the removal of the bits that are causing the problem.

My nurses and doctors were good about being on top of any pain and I met some lovely people whilst I was in. the one good piece of advice I was given was to take some peppermint in with me, as trapped wind leading to pains in the shoulder can be an issue. It was an issue for me and the peppermint certainly helped to relieve the symptoms.

I hope that you get your surgery date soon.


Zannah x

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to Zannah

ooooh yes I remember that wind! Peppermint drinks do help but I found nothing worked as well as walking. It's a bind it takes a day or so before you really feel able to walk enough to get rid of it. It might be an idea if you're feeling up to it to ask your visitors to hold your arm and have a little wander round instead of sitting by the bedside and chatting. I did just that and it was a very strange feeling - a bit like a giant inflated balloon being released into the air. whoooooo whoooooo! Sorry - too much detail! xxx

wendydee profile image

So glad that it wasn't anything sinister. Good luck for the surgery. As Annie says, it's not as worrying as you think it will be.... The medical team will be experts and you're in safe hands. The things that helped me when I had surgery were (in no particular order) peppermint tea, to soothe and help with the inevitable post op windy tum; big loose knickers; arnica tablets before and after to help with healing. I would echo all the 'take it easy' advice. I was surprised by how tired I felt afterwards and also pleasantly surprised at how little pain I felt. The nurses were absolutely great, especially the CNS who was so helpful. All the best with your op. it will soon be all in the past and you'll be on the road to recovery

Love Wendy xx

Whippit profile image
Whippit in reply to wendydee

Oh yes and a nightie rather than PJs until they take the catheter away. xx

Pimkin81 profile image
Pimkin81 in reply to Whippit

Yep- I learnt that lesson last time! Very important advice!!

Thank you ladies it great to know how much your all there and able to give support really appreciate the advise thank you xx

doodoolatrice profile image

I can only echo was has already been said. I had the full works including removal of two sections of my bowel. Because of the work on my bowel they kept the epidural topped up for three days. Once it wore off I had some discomfort but that was because I had trapped wind. Like Annie said, get on your feet as soon as you can. As soon as the wind went so did the discomfort and the paracetamol they gave me meant I had no pain. The word debulking is a frightening word but the actual experience wasn't as bad as I expected. My consultant and the nursing staff were fab and I was looked after very well. Good luck. Kerry xx

Hi there ... It's a horrid name for an op. I've had lots of major surgeries on my abdomen since i was in my late teens. Anaesthesia techniques have improved so much. This time, I was up and about in no time. Pain control is now excellent. You'll probably have a machine by your bed with morphine in it which is activated by your thumb. If you still feel sore, the nurse will get the doctor to agree a shot of something in your thigh probably. Don't feel you have to be in any pain is my tip. I've met some great people on the wards over the years. Wishing you every good thought .. Love Tina x x

Hilsuk profile image

Dear Pelican ,

Good luck with the surgery!! you're a strong lady and I'm sure will sail through it , great words of advice above, just add - take lots of baby wipes, gets hot and sticky in hospital!! . Don't be afraid to ask for help also, you look young and fit , many on the ward will be elderly , but don't let the nurses or health care overlook you if you need a hand .

Be thinking of you

Love and hugs

Hilary xxx

coochy profile image

Hello, all these lovely ladies are right, and like Tina says keep your finger on that morphine button. I remember coming round after the op and all i could say was "pain, pain" the next 12 hours was a total blur as i never had my finger off the morphine button. One problem i did have was moving my bowels!!*!*! as they say in Scotland "it wiz nae braw" ha ha. You'll be fine. Good Luck Elaine :-)

Sunfleury-UK profile image

Hi im glad the niggle is under control! I would agree with everything above and also add a couple of little tips which really helped me whilst I was in hospital...

Soft pull over your head type bras are great- comfy enough to sleep in and preserves a little bit of modesty!

Take a lovely pillow from home and a couple of cotton pillow cases- I was in for 10 days due to complications and most of that time in bed and this really helped especially at night with a hot head! I had been given an old fashioned lavender bag to help me sleep before I went in and I took this too and kept it under the pillow!

Although they have pay as you go tv & radio I used my mp3 player a lot more with both music and radio especially once I was able to get up and about a bit.

I was looked after incredibly well and decided early on to do exactly as I was told- they were really keen that post-op patients get up and walk to promote recovery, drink plenty of fluids & do their physio!

Wishing you strength & hope Sxxx

Laurie277 profile image

Hi, yes the words are scary, but like the others, I would agree; there's not that much physical pain: you will be given pain management just ask for more if you need it: and better in you than in a bottle on a shelf! I would add to take earplugs and a eye cover (like what you wear on airplanes) as I found the hospital to be quite noisy/light. I would also recommend green tea or peppermint for the wind but also as soon as you can start taking lactolose or a similar laxative as a common side effect is constipation and it's hard to 'bear' down after abdominal surgery. Walking also helps. Very good luck! Xxx

MargaretJ profile image

Dear Pelican,

I have had two lots of surgery and suggested they fitted a zip for ease of access next time. Not pleasant but remember the alternative! Just do not be stoic if you get post op pain> I was and it turned out to be abscesses! If I had taken it seriously sooner I could have avoided the IV antibiotics and blood transfusions!

I find movicol is better than lactulose for the constipation. My Community nurses recommended it and it is good because it works in two ways! and you control the dose. Take plenty to read and do in hospital! I did embroidery and took my kindle (less bulky than books!).

Good luck


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