I've been suffering almost daily with bad indigestion, feeling bloated (but not all the time), feeling sick and poor appetite. I know from a recent CT scan that I don't have ascities and my tummy is soft. I was wondering if anyone else had felt the same and what had helped them?
Has anyone suffered with gastritis following ch... - My Ovacome
Has anyone suffered with gastritis following chemotherapy?

Hi Scardycat,
My Mum has IBS (Irritable Bowl Syndrome) and has these symtpons - ironically often OC is mis-diagnosed as IBS. Just a thought.....
Hope you find an answer soon - but pleased for you that it is not ascites.
Love Lizzie
I do have IBS but I've also been getting lots of heartburn as well and my oncologist did say that the chemo can cause gastritis
Hi Scardycat,
Had a similar situation and symtoms following the end of chemo. Scan which showed minor inflammation in the stomach likely caused by the chemo (advised by oncologist.).
Have been prescribed Omeprazole and feel much better although it took a couple of weeks before I felt the benefits.
You may have already tried them but just a thought.
Hope you feel better soOn,
Love Helen
Thanks I'm having a chest CT tomorrow to rule out a couple of serious things like clots on the lung because we are in a higher risk group with OC especially if we have had surgery and to check my pleural effusion.
Who prescribed the Omeprazole - was it your oncologist of GP?
I was also given omeprazole during chemo by the oncology dept - ie prescribed by my oncologist. I only had the problem for the first couple of treatments, so perhaps it was a symptom of adjusting to the drugs.
I hope you find something to help soon.
Very best wishes,
At the hospital now for chest CT. Good news no blood clot so I reckon it is more of a gastric problem. My CA125 has gone down to 134 which is the lowest its been so far. Just still feel sick
Hi I am one of the support line nurses at Ovacome and it could be that the steriods you may be taking with the antisickness medication during the chemotherapy are irritating the lining of your stomach. Have a word with the doctors who can presribe something like Omeprazole to protect your stomach ( it reduces the production of acid). If you want to discuss this further do give us a ring on 08453710554
best wishes
Thanks but I'm not having chemotherapy at the moment. My last session was in November
Hi ScardyCat40,
I had my last of 6 carbo treatments 10 days ago. I had the same symptoms you describe at about a week into each treatment. They got worse each time and lasted about aweek. My lovely GP suggested Gaviscon extra strength. I also started putting slippery elm powder in rice milk and blending it, 2 or 3 times a day. It is supposed to help soothe the gastric tract area. I started this routine on # 5 and noticed definite improvement. So far this #6 go is also much easier. also. Might help.
Best wishes,
I feel a bit guilty about doing this but I've just played the cancer card to get an urgent doctors appointment because I'm so fed up of being in a lot of discomfort and none of the over counter remedies I've tried have worked so far and ffs I get free prescriptions so why should I pay.
The hospital rang me up to let me know my CT was normal but it still doesn't explain my symptoms. I'm starting to think the breathlessness and the gastric problems are related BUT I'm not saying its cancer related.
I'm just tired of feeling unwell and I guess most of you can related to that.
I've been prescribed with omeprazole but the breathlessness will have to remain a mystery for now