Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and I am so glad to find this place. I will be starting my first chemo tomorrow and I am very anxious about how I will feel for this week. Doc will start me on taxol and paraplatin once every 3 weeks for 6 treatments. I am anxious about the side effects.
Recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer: Hello... - OvaCare
Recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer

I want to wish you well for treatment although I suspect you have had it today. Stay hydrated especially in this warm weather. Have some crackers and Bovril to fall back on in case you don't feel like eating. Small amounts more often help. If your anti sickness meds don't work, do contact your Chemo Unit and they can advise something else.

Thank you Suzuki!
Hi, I'm sorry you are on this site but you will find we are a very supportive group, it's hard to give advice on side effects as we are all different when it comes to how we handle treatment some have a hard time and other ladies not so, remember to talk any side effect over with your team most can be managed with treatment. also you have us to ask for advice or just encouragement.
Be kind to yourself if you feel the need to rest do so, keep in touch and at any time .
Take care Lorraine xx
Hello Rachel. Welcome we are here to support and at first all this can be daunting but bear in mind the treatments are very effective for Ovarian C and I can speak for myselfI was on Carboplatin/Taxol and it was very effective. Sometimes u can experience a metalic taste after treatment but u can buy Ginger lozengers in any health shop and they help. Also some people experience nausea..in my case I rarely got ill but just felt it. I found iced water to help and its important to drink some to hydrate yourself. You will be given anti sickness infusions in between your carbo/taxol so its quite effective. Rest up but also do something active if u can each day but dont overdo. You will experience hair loss..but think of the positives...youre losing it at the cost of the drugs doing their job and making u better. Lastly? always remember to just go with each day and your you...if that makes sense..dont compare yourself with anyone else as each persons Dna are different. Try and relax as its just a process with a goal to good health. The very best of luck its ok to be anxious but the chemo nurses are great and will answer and reassure u of any fears u have.
Thank you for your encouragement and the work that you have done for this place. It’s wonderful to hear others’ stories and their two cents! I am grateful to find people whom can relate. Wish you well!!
Hi Rachel, sorry you find yourself on this site but hope your first chemo session went okay. I did experience a few side effects but it was worth it as I was cancer free at the end. Like the others say everyone reacts very differently so I really hope that you manage ok and hopefully you have come home armed with medication such as steroids/anti sickness to help combat side effects. I’m sure you’ve had lots of good advice from the lovely chemo nurses by now and each time you go the first thing they do is run through a checklist of side effects plus you should see your onc in between to see how you have reacted and if anything needs changing. It is surprising how quick those 3 weeks keep rolling round and before you know it, it’s all over. Best wishes with the rest of your treatment, Jo xx
Thank you Jo for telling me your story! Yes, I went through my first chemo and I am very fortunate to have a very experienced and caring chemo nurse who calmed me a lot at my first visit. I am very happy for you that you are done with your treatment and are healthy again!
Please take care!