Anyone in the Athlone area? : Hi all Just wondering... - OvaCare


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Anyone in the Athlone area?

denised1158 profile image
23 Replies

Hi all

Just wondering if there is anyone on here from the Athlone /westmeath or Roscommon area that would be interested in getting in contact to organise a get together sometime?

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denised1158 profile image
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23 Replies

I believe there may be one or two from the West and Midlands and I do hope they will contact you, In the meantime Ovacare are running a Patient Information day down in Cork on Saturday 23rd April if you are well enough to enjoy a weekend in Cork, it is certainly worth a thought. Best wishes

kittie profile image

I live in Co Offaly but unfortunately I do not drive. As Suzuki has already said you should try to make the Patients Day in the Clarian in Cork in April, they are worth travelling to .I am making the trip down the day before and staying in hotel. Ovacare also run a Patients Day in Dublin in the Autumn. Kittie.

HogwartsDK profile image

Hey Denise!

I am in Mayo but willing to travel! Maybe I could pick Kittie up if that's something she would like! I am hoping to make the Patient day in Cork I haven't been at one yet but Cork is a long journey so not sure yet! Having last Chemo on 30th March so should be able for the Journey but I think it's a wait and see scenario!

Hope you are well!


denised1158 profile image

Hi guys thanks for the replies. Will try and make it down to Cork for the patient's day it would be great to chat with you all. I hope you are all keeping well @D I hope your treatment on the 30th goes well for you.

Dee x

kittie profile image

I have just been on line and I can get a train from Tullamore to Athlone ,so that makes things easier for me to meet up.

denised1158 profile image
denised1158 in reply to kittie

Hi kittie

I could meet you in Tullamore if that suited you?



kittie profile image
kittie in reply to denised1158

That would suit me. I am not free until after Easter as I am back into hospital on Monday for day surgery on my left hand for carpo tunnel syndrome ( I had my right one done on 15th Feb ) and then the following week I'm in for my Oncology review and then another day to get my stitches out ,after that I hope I don't see the hospital until the end of April. Any day of the week suits me. You can PM me with a day and time any time after that. If their are any other ladies that would like to meet up the more the merrier. Kittie.

denised1158 profile image
denised1158 in reply to kittie

Hi kittie,

Whenever suits you best let me know and we can arrange something.



Ovacare2 profile image
Ovacare2AdministratorOvaCare Team Member

If you come to the patient day in Cork and we will see how we can assist you in getting something going in Athlone. There is a group in Cork now that meet on a regular basis for a coffee morning.


Murt1 profile image

Hi Denise,

I have just joined the community. I am a (post menopausal) 47 year old from just outside Athlone. I don't yet know whether I have OC but am waiting on a date for laparotomy surgery for a total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy due to 2 complex cysts. One is 6cm and the other is 13cm. My case has been sent for review in Galway by oncology to decide which hospital should do the surgery. I was originally referred to gynaecology by my GP early last November, so I'm at my wits end now with all this waiting and not knowing! Would you be interested in meeting up? M

denised1158 profile image
denised1158 in reply to Murt1

Hi murt 

Sorry for the late reply have been in work the last few days (No Internet connection ) , I know exactly where you are coming from I had the same experience. I was 12 weeks waiting for 2nd biopsies due to no theatre available in UCHG, just wondering which consultant were you referred to ? Would love to meet up for coffee and a chat with you, when suits you? 


Murt1 profile image
Murt1 in reply to denised1158

Katherine Astbury is the consultant currently looking at my case with the multi diciplinary team review. Marie Christine de Tavernier is the consultant in Ballinasloe who referred my case so at the moment I'm still under her care. Would love to meet up in Athlone whenever it suits you, M.

denised1158 profile image
denised1158 in reply to Murt1

I was referred to Michael o'Leary, and got sick of waiting for him to do the 2nd Biopsies so my husband demanded that I go private and ended up in  Galway clinic under Moiad Allazam and Maccon  Keane. I was supposed to be under Katherine Astbury, can't remember how I ended up with Michael O'Leary. Keep at them and demand to be seen. When suits you best to meet up?  Would you prefer before or after the weekend? 

Murt1 profile image
Murt1 in reply to denised1158

How about I meet you next week after I get feedback from the medical crew on what they are planning for me. any day after Tuesday I will hopefully know more. Does that suit you?

denised1158 profile image
denised1158 in reply to Murt1

Perfect, im working Wednesday so anytime Thursday? 

Murt1 profile image
Murt1 in reply to denised1158

Sounds good, we'll get in contact next week to make arrangements so. M

hi your post resonated with me . I have been dealing with the health care system for 6 months now and have mixed feelings about its efficiency,. I was diagnosed with a 10 cm cyst on Dec 8 and due to lack of theatre space the operation was planned for Jan 8 ( no theatres over xmas,!) On Dec 29 the cyst ruptured and I spent 24 hrs in a and e . This was disasterous. Any way to make a long story short two surgeries later I have grade 1c ovarian cancer. The c refers to the cyst rupture. This is still early stage but if the cyst had not ruptured I would not now have to face chemo.  My advise take ownership of your care he who shouts loudest gets heard. Annoy them tell them my story .. Exaggerate your symptoms should not have to deal with this anxiety any longer deserve better. Be an advocate for yourself ...good luck☺️

denised1158 profile image
denised1158 in reply to

Hi Maryrose 

Your story is exactly what happened to me, only difference is that my 'cyst' had been biopsied and I was left waiting 12 weeks for 2nd biopsies, ended up stage 2c initially and then 3b. Just wondering if you are in the Galway region, if so something needs to be done. I thought that I was an isolated case but it's starting to look like I'm not. 


Murt1 profile image

Thanks MaryRose, you make me feel normal, all my anxiety and frustration seems acceptable when I read your post. I plan on being a pain in their behind on a daily basis after the bank holiday weekend. Wishing you all the best with your recovery and treatment. M

Thanks girls ...I am new to this site but am very interested in everyone's stories. I attended Moahid Allasam and in fairness he performed excellent surgery. I had a radical hysterectomy laparoscopically. I was delighted with how quickly I recovered and how well I coped psychologically..but as time goes by I realize what a rollarcoaster this whole cancer journey is...I seemed to be on a high post op and friends were remarking how well I was doing ...and I was ... Until the reality of chemo hit, I am on a descent again.. However I know once I am in the system again it will be a 6 month count down and I will be dealing with experts which will make coping easier. I try to flood myself with positive affirmations from " Pinterest and would really recommend Ted talks on Cancer. . Both are apps you can download to a tablet of phone . If you are interested I can recommend particular inspiring stories. Sorry not in the Galway region

HogwartsDK profile image
HogwartsDK in reply to

Hello Mary Rose!

I had a very similar diagnosis and had 2 surgeries also both laparoscopically. I am having my final Chemo next week and as you said it's been a hell of a rollercoaster! Have you started your chemo yet? 


Hi no I haven't started yet only meeting the oncologist on Tuesday. Really dreading chemo but know once the first cycle is over I will get into the swing of must be delighted to be nearing the end .

HogwartsDK profile image
HogwartsDK in reply to

Oh yes I am very happy to be finished fingers crossed it will all go ok on Weds! It's not easy but you are right once you have the first session over you will get a sense of how your body  will react and you will be able to plan for the rest of the sessions!  I also found that the first session was prob the worst but that was more a fear of the unknown more than anything else!!! I was lucky as while Galway is my centre of excellence I was able to have my Chemo at home in Mayo which made it easier. The one big tip I would give for chemo is how important it is to keep hydrated drink loads of water for the few days before day of and few days after it really makes a big difference!!! 

Best of luck with the oncologist next week. My medical onc is great a lovely man and very straight but compassionate which is important!! 

Anyway good luck, I am no expert and there are many women on this forum with much more wisdom than me but feel free to ask any questions if you feel the need! 

Onwards and Upwards Mary Rose and I have no doubt you will get through the Chemo. You sound like a very positive person and that is actually the most important thing of all when facing down the chemo road!!

All the best!!


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