Flu vac for or against???: Hi Ladies just wondering... - OvaCare


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Flu vac for or against???

7 Replies

Hi Ladies just wondering what the thoughts on the flu vaccine. I got mine last week after missing out last year due to my white cells doing a runner so they thought it was best avoid it, Unfortunately I ended up in April with a nasty bug which took ages to go. So last Tues was the D day and since the weekend have been tired, achy and worse nose trouble. I wonder is it a reaction to the vac. I suppose the Avastin does affect your white cells so it is bound to hit you a bit. I never asked at the time. However its only a glitch in the bigger picture and will just take paracetamol and hope I dont have a temperature for next Avastin in two days time. Hope everyone is good.

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7 Replies
Missfitz profile image

Hi Suzuki. Sorry to hear you're feeling poorly. Hope you felt better soon. I went ahead with the flu vaccine this year and thankfully didn't feel any side effects. However, I have talked to a good few people who have had adverse side effects from the jab this year - just like what you describe. With any luck you'll be feeling yourself shortly and if it keeps us out of the doctors office while everyone else is sick - I for one will be glad of it. Take care. X

in reply to Missfitz

Exactly that is what I intend to keep as far away from gp as possible. The nurse did the jab. Then again a few at work have coughs and colds. I wasnt using hand gel because nails are brittle but will have to start again. Anyway today I do feel a lot better.

rjhs profile image

Hi Suzuki, I went ahead and had mine 2 weeks ago - a week before third chemo session. I was doubtful and had checked with Onc as my bloods are very very low and he said go ahead. I double checked with Nurse at GP before having it GP said okay. I felt a bit off during the week but difficult to know whether or not it was the jab. They seem very keen on it now with printed leaflets in the chemo suite but I seem to remember chemo nurses saying no when asked about it a couple of years ago. Hope you are feeling better.Ritaxx

kittie profile image
kittie in reply to rjhs

Hi Suzuki, I too had my flu jab and had no side effects unlike my husband whose arm swelled up but I am not on any treatment at the moment. I hope you get well soon and good luck with your treatment this week. We have to remember it is the time of the year for all the nasty bugs to be hanging but hopefully they will stay away from us. Kittie

in reply to kittie

Thanks for that, I actually do feel better today, brought doggie for a walk, steamed the floors so now taking it easy for the rest of the day. I suppose it depends on whether your white cells are down a little or not or just on the individual.

daisies profile image

Hi Girls. My Onc told me to have the flu jab - even though on treatment, and thankfully, I did not have any adverse reaction. Hope you are all well.

Went for acupuncture on my knees, ankles but more importantly on my feet & toes to reduce the peripheral neuropathy, and it is is working wonders. I even got out for a walk this morning and didn't suffer. Just resting now as the afternoon tiredness has hit.


Hi Daisies, that is good news, indeed it was a nice day to get out and about in the fresh air. I had a walk before lunch and enjoyed it. Glad you had no adverse reactions of course I would have to be the difficult one but feel much better this evening. A few were coughing at work so I could have picked up a bug there. Well my gas fire is gone, I never wanted it in the first place but got it in many years ago when they were doing the heating, had no heating up to then. So now to sort a burner and it will be a surprise if the job is done before Xmas. The guy I am recommended is very good and very busy but no worries I will wait for him. In fact the room smells better without the fire, more air up the chimney I suppose. Great that the acupuncture works on the feet for you, I soak my feet now and again in epsom salts, that seemed to help me, Now to remember to buy it. As you are off Avastin, the feet might improve. Anyhow enjoy the rest of the evening

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