solid mass of abdomen: just been in the garden... - OvaCare


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solid mass of abdomen

anbuma profile image
26 Replies

just been in the garden clearing up after my dogs and could not bend down cos my huge stomach in the way and so much pressure on my has to be a cyst or OC plus my dogs are looking at me in such a weird way.

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anbuma profile image
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26 Replies
cath40 profile image

Get ultrasound or CT scan that's how you will know demand one if you have to.

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to cath40

thanks.i have had these in the past and doctor says they are normal.dont believe it cos know scans and(people have said )bloods aren't always conclusive.then it is over a year since seen gynae.never seen oncologist.seeing dr Monday fro blood tests results and hope to have issues sorted out with him.will he believe me and my dogs?

cath40 profile image

I am confused you haven't actually been diagnosed with oc so why are you imagining you could have it ? is there a family history or something that is worrying you. I certainly would not mention your dogs to doctor no offence but he wont take you seriously if you say that. If there is a cyst on your ovary they will see it on a ultrasound. I never even thought of OC before I got ill had never heard of it. Hope all goes well with Doctor but stop imagining the worst that will make you ill. Look at the facts and get the facts.

kittie profile image
kittie in reply to cath40

I would agree with cath40 dont be imagining things until you know for sure whats wrong with you.You seem to on a lot of different sites for different illnesses this is not doing you any good either,the best thing you could do is to keep away from all sites until you get a proper diagnosis Im sorry if this offends you but its not doing you any good reading up on different illnessess.

cath40 profile image
cath40 in reply to kittie

I totally agree really these sites are for people who have been diagnosed and are dealing with it or family members looking for advice. Even when I got diagnosed my doctor told me to stay away from the internet it only drives you mad. You imagining things and posting things will only make you go mad.

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to cath40

hi kittie and cath 40 .I am not offended but i am not imaging things we know our own bodies don't we?.what have you both been diagnosed with?most of what I have said is from other people who have the same -have experienced the same as me -being diagnosed with a bowel condition when it is an ovarian issue.I HAVE been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and have other symptoms i know are NOT of fibro.I have been going to my dr for 2 years and in the 1st 18 months said things like "its your stomach" or "wear make up".(he only said "bloating" after 18 months and gave no advice etc on cause or treatment if any-there are 5 causes of bloating-I don t have IBS,coeliac disease has been ruled out and the only other cause which matches my symptoms is OC)which are unacceptable as they don't tell you what is the problem ,do nothing to reassure there is nothing wrong when I can physically see how swollen my stomach is,how puffy face is and feel the weight has gone up 11 kgs in 2 years and all abdominal as have lost weight elsewhere.I feel full all the time,have pelvic pain (which could be OC or something else) and 2 years ago I could eat double helpings of xmas dinner and dessert now im lucky if I can eat a child sized meal.

cath40 profile image
cath40 in reply to anbuma

I don't know I am not a doctor a ultrascan diagnosed that I had a cyst on my ovary all I can advise is that you ask your doctor to arrange that or a CT scan. I had ovarian cancer that is why I am on this blog to support other members going through treatment etc... as it is a very difficult thing to go through. I never thought I had it before I got diagnosed with was never diagnosed with IBS. I noticed the bloating probably 4 months before I was diagnosed. If you have had it for 2 years it would be doing more damage by now I would have thought then I don't know. A scan is what you need to get done and talk to your GP good luck really hope it isn't OC.

kittie profile image
kittie in reply to anbuma

The reason l am on this site is because l was diagnosed with OC oct 2012 l didnt have any of the symptons l have since read about ,in fact l didnt start reading up on it until l had my surgery and finished my chemo. If after 2 years you are not happy with what your GP and hospital told you I would go 1st thing tomorrow and change my GP and hospital and if after that you are told the same results I would get down on my knees and thank God you dont have OC because it is a nasty disease.

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to cath40

some other posts on here say that they have had oc for a long time and misdiagnosed as IBS.

gentle1 profile image
gentle1 in reply to anbuma

The problem with oc is it mimics other imbalances, i presented many oc symptoms like IBS, and fybro, fluid retention in abdomen, one thing you can do now is change your diet, low GI diet will sort many imbalances out, research nutrition while your waiting for tests, whatever the outcome changing your diet will benefit your whole body and empower you for your journey ahead, knowledge dispels fear! x

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to gentle1

i understand OC mimics other conditions then there s the argument that IBS or other bowel condition is mistaken for OC.what is GI ?I have changed my diet -to eat better and healthier cutting out things as advised by other members -dairy,wheat and gluten etc.i have only ever eaten little of everything and not every day and cutting out wheat had no effect.i have had food intolerance tests done -nothing really showed as me being intolerant to anything imparticular.

gentle1 profile image
gentle1 in reply to anbuma

wow, they normally find something lol, hope this link explains GI, bromalain is worth a look,

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to gentle1

no one has ever mentioned fluid retention at stomach has swelled even more just today and weight gone up a couple of pounds(just weighed but know its supposed to be best to weigh in morning)

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to cath40

disagree with not lookign on the internet.if my dr's had given me answers and said htings to reassure me that its nothing serious then I wouldn't seek advice from others on here and why else would I never feel hungry?why is my weight gain all abdominal-dr measured my bmi and said I was obese-only my stomach that is big rest of me is normal size 12.previous CA 125 tests were elevated.other people with ca 125 results of about 50 have been diagnosed with oc.

gentle1 profile image
gentle1 in reply to anbuma

You need to know whats wrong with you, simple, demand an ultra sound, it wont damage your body and gives a good idea whats going on, if your doc is dragging his/her feet, go to a and e and get one immediately, you need to know whats going on inside your body..evidence...which an ultra sound will give you, plz let me know how it goes...x

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to gentle1

camr back from drs in tears.discussed meds and diet and told him I had cut out everything to no effect.meds making no difference and that most days I could only eat breakfast.rasied subject of weight and said it s all abdominal and swelling and spreading to upper abdomen and pelvis. -cant class me as obese when i am normal size12 everywhere else.response was that's what bmi result was.wouldnt accept my dogs change in behaviour cos they sense something is not right with me and it s not stress or depression cos I don't feel either of them.i am not the only one who goes thru this.others have said that scans and bloods arent conclusive and its knwon that drs mistake OC fro bowel conditions have this in writing from 2 people .said try activia yogurt-andlet him know how it goes.,i know it wont make any difference cos problem is not bloating due to ibs.have toldhim so many times I don't have IBs

gentle1 profile image
gentle1 in reply to anbuma

PLEASE go to a and e and get immediate and necessary treatment...NOW please x

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to gentle1

i went to A& E a couple of weeks ago and all the dr there said was "I don't know why you are here". the reason I was there was cos my legs were swollen and I had been up all night with abdominal pain. I have just gto back from walkign my dogs as I never took them out this morning cos of dr's appt.difficulty stop myself from crying on the walk -took a bottle containing some baileys (kNOW it s not strong alcohol but its all I had in the house AS I DONT NORMALLY DRINK)

.why or why wont anyone listen to me?dr also said I have had scans and an op and that should convince me.-it doesn't cos things got worse since op.i just feel I want to die now I cant cope with htis anymore.waiting to see mental health people btu know that wont help until drs listen to me.(it s been few months since he suggested it not heard from them)don't see the point cos its by appointment and when you do need someone to talk to theres no one dogs do know,i have to be here fro them.

cath40 profile image
cath40 in reply to anbuma

Like gentle1 wrote I wrote and scan is the answer will put your mind at rest. Put your energy into getting answers from GP change GP if you have to whatever it takes.

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to cath40

have aske dhim for scans over and over -wont do it.

cath40 profile image
cath40 in reply to anbuma

Change doctors then as you cant go on like this worrying that is dreadful he wont organise it I know my GP would if I insisted most GPs would

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to cath40

I have contacted ombudsman as getting nowhere.changing is not an option as no other gp surgery in town.

cath40 profile image
cath40 in reply to anbuma

At a loss now what to say I have given my opinion based on my experience don't know why doctor would not arrange this for you if you are worried that is a bit unreal to me as in I cant believe how bad that is. Good luck with going to ombudsman. Its a pity you have to go to those lengths

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to cath40

is that the NHS these days?drs earn £100.000 ?annually for what?at moment just asked for advice from ombudsman .so gl ad my dogs are here fro me-people here are so busy with their own lives-no time for anyone else.not eaten anything today since breakfast and pressure on stomach so uncomfortable.

anbuma profile image
anbuma in reply to cath40

heard back from ombudsman by email ,don't know if its worth the effort.tehy would want all the details of complaints and what led up to them plus copies of letters received and hten investigate,feelign wasteof time as haven't got anywhere so far.

cath40 profile image

Sorry don't know what to say I thought if you were worried doctor would organise scan cant see what the big deal is to be honest with your doctor very strange then I don't know everything that is going on. At a loss now what to say

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