I have had an endoscopy that found chronic eosphogstis. I have tried three PPIs ie omeprozole, lanzopropal and the one something like esomprozole. Other than watching what you eat and drink , have you found any natural solutions like peppermint oil or the like. Tried ginger, slippery elm but no relief? Thoughts or ideas?
on going heartburn with esophagitis - Acid Reflux Support
on going heartburn with esophagitis

Peppermint will make reflux worse. You could try alginates like Gaviscon or Gaviscon Advanced. Also a stronger PPI like Dexilant, or a dose increase for what you're using.
Thanks Jim. Yes I have tried 30mg one or day and even 2 x 15mg to see if that improves things. I havent tried Pantoprozole but I see that generally Lanzoporopol is considered effective but that didnt stop it. Just read up on Dexilant and sounds stronger yes and am seeing Dr this week about something else so hopefully can throw this in. At the moment I am getting relatively bad symptoms discomfort at least once a week despite being on PPIs. I suppose the question I should ask is how many other people continue to get symptoms while on PPIs?
60mg Dexilant is like the Nuclear bomb of PPI's Maybe you can get away with only taking it at during episodes. Relatively fast acting and can be taken with or without food. Again, alginates worth a try.
I have found Pantoprazole the best for me, and have been taking one in the morning and one in the evening. Have you tried Gaviscon. ENT doctor, and others have recommended it as it sits on the top of the stomach contents, preventing reflux. Last thing before going to bed helps night time reflux. Peppermint, and Chocolate are not advised as they relax the sphincter at the top of the stomach

Thanks jean. Mine isn’t the classic acid into the throat. That’s what I used to get. Now it’s just the pain in the upper chest and it’s just as likely for me to get it in the day as in the night. I also don’t get the other classic symptoms that others report with heartburn or whatever it is. I have as I say chronic eosophogatis.
Do you have swallowing problems, choking, feeling things stuck in the throat? I had a barium swallow, and a video re my swallowing.I have had a lot of help from a Speech and Language Therapist. I have issues re my vocal chords, amd epiglottis, and they can be very helpful with swallowing exercises.
The description of oesophogatis seems to include that kind of problem.

I have nothing like that in terms of symptoms.

Hello, just looking at some saved posts when I saw your reply, and it reminded me about the iqoro device. I wonder if you ever tried that, and if your speech therapist mentioned it.
No she didn't actually. I think I did read about it online. She gave me various exercises, and at present it is under control really. It appears that the vocal chords which are working properly are compensating for those who aren't. I get the odd bout of things going down the wrong way, but I am trying to be more careful in chewing and swallowing, but really, knowing what is causing the problem and there was nothing seriously wrong was the important thing. Acid in the throat can lead to serious problems in the oesophagus, so relieved it wasn't that.
Hi just read your comments pain in chest etc. I was diagnosed with Hiatus Hernia years ago I take pantaprozole which does stop daily heartburn. But I stll get chest pain which sometimes goes into my back. I have no difficulty swallowing or anything or acid symptoms. Did have a ecg not long ago which ruled out heart problems. Just wondered if you get high back pain.
No I don’t get high back pain. How would you describe chest pain?
It is right in the middle usually goes after burping. Only lasts a few seconds but painful. I seem to have it for few days then goes away but does come back was wondering if so.ething I eat sets it off. But atm the only thing I have stopped is Baked Beans which I thought was the culprit but still got it.

I should say I am trying to avoid getting the pain in the first place rather than just dealing with the symptoms
I have tried all the PPI including dexilant 60 mg. Nothing worked - finally nissen fundoplication helped. Still some symptoms after 4 months
There are almost 40 % people that don’t response to PPI
thanks. Is that an operation that you mentioned?
Hi, I have had years of stomach problems, 4 endoscopy, ppi's, a very reduced diet, small meals etc. Finally the thing that has worked for me (almost miraculous) is an iqoro device. iqoro.com They are not cheap. It was recommended by someone from this forum, it is a device that trains your muscles. I have been using it for 6 months religiously and now I can eat potatoes again as well as lots of other stuff I had to avoid. As far as I can tell it will not work unless you persist with it. Apparently some people get relief from reflux after consulting a speech therapist, this is because of the exercises they suggest, I believe the iqoro works on a similar principle. I have read that it is possible to get it by prescription but I guess that depends on how amenable your GP is. I hope this helps and that you feel better soon.
many thanks and will take a look
I found too much ginger can really bring the acid. As everyone on this site. I tried everything. Finally had a endoscopy about two months ago. Gastric irritation and a couple of benign stomach polyps removed due to PPI's. Most of my symptoms were slight wheezing, chest discomfort, bitter taste and burning at top of my stomach area. When the PPI's failed to work, I tried PepcidAC twice a day 30 minutes prior to eating. I adhere to a low-fat fat diet. Minimal sugar, no process items at all. About four months in I had no wheezing or chest discomfort. I do have a slightly bitter taste and minor burning. If I truly adhere to the diet it does improve. It's a marathon, not a sprint for sure. It's just my situation now and I have to deal with it the best I can without surgery. I might consider it down the road. One thing I've learned through many conversations with dieticians and gastroenterologists, you MUST have acid in your stomach for proper digestion. At some point I'll heal,
Look into drinking cabbage juice to sooth the lining of your stomach. There's a natural product that works also called Gastrazyme by Biotics Research.
Secondly get a 2 ounce spray bottle and put in alkaline water and a pinch of baking soda and keep spraying your throat as you breath in when ever you get the feeling of it coming up into the throat. . Do it before going to bed.
thanks wholesome
HCL, go watch Dr Berg on youtube, check his acid reflux and GERD videos, you will be healed in matter of days.
You don't need any medicine. Heal yourself. Dr Berg on youtube, no medicine anymore.