they gave me Pepcid 40mg that isn’t doing anything I’ve taken Tums, mylanta both chews and liquid, ate bland diet. This heart burn is so bad it’s burning my throat have chest pains burping and coughing food up and I still have this fluid in my ears with intermittent dizziness and tiredness . Went to the urgent care and basically got told nothing we can do for you but here try Zofran and Carafate it may or may not help go to a gi specialist and ENT. And no one can tell me why my wbc is slightly elevated like am I sick with something or what, this is hell. Everything I eat I start burping parts of it up. I’m just curious if anyone has recommendations.
I’m so frustrated : they gave me Pepcid... - Acid Reflux Support
I’m so frustrated

Hi Adam sorry to read you're feeling so unwell. I get acid reflux too and it can make me miserable too. There are a few things you can do that might help. One is not to lie flat in bed try to raise your head. In the uk we have Gaviscon Advance. I get this from the doctor but you can get it in chemists too. Take about 10mls after eating and especially before bed. It creates a lining in your throat and prevents acid coming up. The bad news for me is that wine is an absolute no no although I can drink gin 😀😃👍
Doctors here prescribe Omeprazole which I took and it did help
Now I am concentrating on building up gut bacteria and eat greek plain yogurt and fermented foods like kefir. I think all my trouble started when I was over prescribed antibiotics. So this makes sense to me.
You need to get a thorough examination from your doctor/hospital
to make sure you haven't got a hiatus hernia or something.
Good luck hope you feel better soon.
Hi, Adam. Have you been to a GI doctor yet? He/she will most likely want to order a barium swallow or endoscopy to check for gastritis, ulcer, GERD, h. pylori bacteria, etc. Until you find out the underlying cause, continue to take the Zofran and Carafate to help with symptoms. I would also continue with the bland diet and start a probiotic. I had many of the same symptoms as you and had an endoscopy that came back normal. I've been under alot of stress this year, have alot of anxiety, been grieving over the loss of two friends, dealing with hormonal changes, etc. that all contributed to my gastrointestinal issues. I have been on sertraline (generic for the antidepressant Zoloft) for two weeks now, and it is already helping with my GI issues. It is something to consider if you have depression and anxiety, if you're already not taking something. Good luck, and please let me know if you have any further questions!
Hi have hiatus hernia last 15 years 3 ops none worked. I think because you are in so much pain you should ask your gp to refer you for a gastroscope this will help to Diagnosed your problem. Hope this helps. Regards sandy