I have been suffering from acidity since June 2020. Had endoscopy done in October 20 which came back all clear expect for h pylori infection. Did the triple therapy treatment for this. I have tested negative (stool test) 3 times in the last 1 year. So hopefully that is cleared.
Last year I also did ultrasound for gallbladder and liver and ct scan for pancreas. All clear too.
I still get acid reflux symptoms like pain or tightness in the espigastric region, feeling of something stuck in the throat or occasionally heartburn. These symptoms comes and goes. When I have a major flare up it can take up to 10 days to settle.
I have cut down on spicy and fatty food a lot and very careful about what I eat. I do suffer from anxiety which makes symptoms worse at times
Wanted to know if anyone else get these kinds of flare ups and how often do they happen and how do you manage them?