today was a better day -we have seen the oncologist and she told us that on the ct scan it is localised spread only with nothing showing up anywhere else - that being the case she is basically going to throw everything she can at it - radiotherapy and chemo - she said there was not a lot of cells in the biopsies - they are also going to do the HER-2 test to see if he can take herceptin. But - always a but - she wants him to have a PET first as CTs don't always pick up everything - so everything is crossed that will be ok too - if it does show something the plan will change although there will still be a plan - but obviously there would be much less chance of it going into remission and she was cautiously optimistic - for an oncologist ! That we could have some successif it is as the ct suggests. So we take up arms again and into battle once more. Has anyone had experience of RT and chemo together ? I know they do it in America a lot but seems to be one or the other here ?
Best to you all