My story is not as horrendous as most of those I read in these posts, but two years ago my husband and I were taken by surprise with a diagnosis of barretts esophagus and a stage ll tumor in the GE junction. We were total terrified, esp. me! He received chemo and radiation in 2014 and has had good reports so far. I can only say we put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to touch and heal him, and allow the treatments to work and for him to gradually heal from the burning of the esophagus and raw tissue. He did very well with the chemo, he experienced a lot of pain following the radiation, but has had a lot of healing in the area radiated. He will be returning in July for a comprehensive work up to see how everything looks. At that time he will not have had any tests in 9 months. I want each of you precious people to know I am praying for you for God to help you and heal you, because I am a Christian believer. If you aren't please do not take offence. I exercise my faith for you and pray God the Father of Jesus will direct every move of your healthcare team and your decisions for your best health. If you are a Christian please pray for F & C...and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. May the presence of God be with each of you in every matter that touches your lives. Thank you for reading my post. In the love and care of Jesus Christ the Lord.....C.
God be with each of you in every indi... - Oesophageal & Gas...
God be with each of you in every individual Case.

So sorry to hear that you both have been affected by Barrets and hope this next lot of treatment is successful.
My husband and best friend was diagnosed 2 years ago with a grade 3 tumour that had spread to the lymph nodes and after a long recovery from the IL surgery is thankfully still here and life is quite good despite the many problems it has left us with. You are right, we DO have to value every day.
Thankyou for your thoughts, prayers and wishes, and we will keep you both very much in our thoughts while you both undergo the next phase of your treatment.
Kind wishes, Lynn xxxx
I made an error in my explanation - I am not fighting cancer only my husband had been diagnosed. So sorry to mislead you. I was a weakling-so frightened for him at the time of his diagnosis and prognosis. So far so good, no surgery, only chemo and radiation. We go to MD Anderson in July for a comprehensive exam and testing. Tk you and all for the kind responses and good wishes. Blessings....
Thank you I will pray for you both. My Christian faith helped a lot last year as I had chemoradiotherapy followed by I L surgery. There have been very bad times when I felt quite angry for a short while, but over all it has been the feeling of being held in prayer by so many people that has helped me through. Now I thank god that I am alive and gradually finding a new "normal" life. Nine months on from surgery I find I can look a week ahead and make plans for each day. To begin with it seemed impossible to think ahead more than a couple of hours. I just placed myself in Gods hands and did my best to stay positive. That would be my advice to all. God bless
thank you
Thank you.
I appreciate your sentiments regarding this disease as I myself was at stage 3 with no chemo as it was literally killing me. This may be hard to believe regarding the chemo but my work college suffering from the same disease also died because of the chemo. I am now three years on but suffering from various problems? but I'm still here to tell the tale!
I have to say that I have given up on God as there is so much suffering in this world?
About two weeks after I was diagnosed my nephew was also diagnosed with Neuroblastoma a childhood cancer. He died 5th February this year; the day after my birthday, he was only four years old.
I hope your husband improves with the passing of time.
Look after yourselves.
Regards Ray
Thank you for your kind reply. I appreciate what you have been through these past 3 years with your own health and the passing of your little nephew. That is sooo difficult to go through as well as understand. I’ve had crisis points when my faith reached rock bottom and I pulled away from God. Particularly when my mom passed away from ovarian cancer. It took a long while for me to reach out to God and find a good level of faith again, but God understood my struggles. And if you don’t object, I’d like to say a prayer for you too? Your battle and suffering is more than I have ever experienced. I respect your feelings! As others on this blog you will be in my thoughts. Thank you for your yours. .an...