I would like to thank the committee for an enjoyable and interesting meeting. Being 3 months post op I attended the meeting with a little intrepidation, not knowing what to expect. Within minutes of arriving and having a cup of tea (yes got back part of my taste for tea), I was chatting to others who had, had similar surgery. The AGM was kept to a minimum followed by a presentation on Endoscopic Ultasound, and many general questions put to the Mr Wilson the Gastroenterologist.
The meeting ended with others chatting to each other about their own experiences, chatting to others made me realise even more how we all seem to experience similar problems, so it was nice to know I wasn`t on my own.
Before leaving the meeting I spoke to Mrs Seston and her husband, who made me feel really welcome and both of them made me feel at home.
Finally I would like to say if you havent been to a meeting `go` you will be made welcome, as I was. So once again thank you, hopefully I will see you for the next meeting.