I mean the P.P.Is Onaprazole and Gaviscon don't stop the horrendous burning after I've eaten and it's worse by p.m. is there anyone out there that has or had this awful condition who has managed to heal their inflammation? If so what did you eat drink and avoid. I really don't feel like eating anything and I've had this for 3 yrs. Please can someone help me. I'm female 69. Thank you
Oesophagitis and gastritis help please - Oesophageal & Gas...
Oesophagitis and gastritis help please

I was suffering the same. I did my own tests and found that I was suffering from bile reflux, not acid. P. P. I's won't work on bile. In fact suppression of acid makes it worse because the acid neutralises bile, which is alkaline. I was constantly vomiting, which caused me to lose so much weight that I became critically malnourished. One day I decided, that if I was going to be sick after any meal, I might as well eat a curry, which I had avoided for 4 years. They always tell you not to eat spicy foods. That night I was not sick and slept right through the night without choking on bile. I now eat curry every day and now have a paunch. Before I looked like a picture put out by oxfam. I hope this will be of some help to you.
Kindest regards Alan
Thankyou. Yes it says eat no spices. I've had a test for bile acid malabsorbtion but that was fine.did you pain clear up eventually. Thankyou for your help Linda
Yes the pain did lessen. Turmeric is fantastic for helping digestion and lots of other things. I take 1tea spoon every day. I use the powder. You can add it to anything. I can't recommend it enough. They tell you not to drink coffee. I abstained for 2 years, mostly because after chemo, it tasted terrible. I have found that, now when I have a bad attack of bile. The coffee fushes the bile back to the intestinal tract. If you have had a pyrolytic stretch, this will allow the bile to back flush into the stomach. The stomach is made to handle acid not bile. Bile damages the stomach and can lead to cancer. Bile is produced in the liver and pumped into the small intestine, where it digests fat that is not digested in the stomach. I hope this will help you.
Kindest regards Alan
Sorry for the late response. It does sound like you are suffering from bile reflux. There are lots of posts on this site about bile reflux and suggestions for alleviating it.
If you've been suffering constantly for 3 years, then there is a risk of damage to the oesophagus and throat. Therefore, I would suggest you see your GP and ask for a referral for an endoscopy to check things out.