Well had the op on 23 May, all went well, and came home on 6 June.. im struggling with the eating. I had 3 cuts when they did the op to remove my oesophagus, the belly, the neck, and one at the back from under my right arm. All scars healing nice, but my neck one feels so tight and as if being strangled,.. im sure this is also giving me probs eating. Tomorrow i go and have the stretch, so i read this is quite normal for many, some have it done a few times!! BUT, i think the neck cut and scaring is causing mine also. Hope to see one of the surgeons whilst there tomorrow, as they do their own stretching i was told, i need to ask them about it,, if not ill have to try calling the team. 4 and half weeks ive been home, so 6 half weeks since op,, and still cant eat meat, etc,, i eat yogurts, soups, egg, cheese, cream, chocolate,, hence im on the loo most of day. Ohh i eat some jacket potato with loads of butter on, and managed odd bit of frozen fish in a sauce,, but everything i eat, seems to sit in the throat for hours,,!!! Many times things make me feel sick, sometimes i am sick,, I am getting so totally fed up with it,, been very strong till now, but its becoming a problem for me now,,, constant feeling of having a marble in my throat.
Would love input from others on this, those who had problems, is it just me, or is it normal,? AGAIN, still think the scar on my neck is making me feel sick also,, many nerves cut, so numb in parts there,,, it feels like something is touching my adams apple and makes me want be sick.
Well will see what the stretch does tomorrow.... but cant keep on like this,