Hi, following up on my previous posts, I had my Endoscopy / Sigmoidoscopy on the 17th. Results came back pretty positive. I had a Polyp removed during the test. I have no Helicobactor Pylori, I am awaiting results of the biopsy of the Polyp, Inhave an internal Pile. I do have a small issue with regard diverticulitis. My stool samples are very high in protein content which is also a concern.
Since emptying my bowels for the procedure I have had a period of time 4 days without any reflux or blood present which meant I had been sleeping better. However this morning I woke at 4am with blood and reflux again. I can’t get in to see my GP because of the virus as our surgery is off limits, however I spoke with him on Thursday. He has suggested I may have the onset of Inflammable Bowel disease, however no ulcers were found on the camera screening and my intestines were intact. There were no issues with my gullet.
I think a few of you suggested that they won’t find a diagnosis or solution to my problem through the procedures I had this week. Does anyone here see anything with my results which are similar to your own symptoms that could help shed some light on my issue. I’m kind of frustrated to still not have a diagnosis?
I ate some fried potato kettle chips yesterday evening which could explain the blood today. Whatever is causing this it’s clear it will still be a diet balancing act?
Any further help would be greatly appreciated.