Hi I’ve had acid reflux since 2015, it came from nowhere it seems and has not subsided, ph test normal, les test normal two endoscopy tests one said slight sliding HH the other was inconclusive. Omeprazole, lansoprazole, Rinitidine, don’t really help, some days feel like having a hot chip stuck in my chest. Contemplating surgery but would like to know if anyone has had success and if so then what surgery worked for them? Thank you.
Which surgery for acid reflux? - Oesophageal & Gas...
Which surgery for acid reflux?

Surgery will not help. You must make changes in your diet.
Hi Tizzie, I was on Lansoprazole but got it changed to Ranitidine after reading the leaflet which said long term use could cause Oesophageal cancer, having already had this naturally I was bored with it and didn't want to get it again. After a while the Ranitidine must have stopped working cause, like you, I had big problems with acid, especially at night and it cost me a small fortune in over the counter remedies. Then, I found an old box of Lansoprazole and took one at night before I went to bed and it worked like a dream, my acid had cleared up through the day time as well. So I went to the doctors and told him the story and that I need to change back to Lansoprazole, unfortunately, because I'm missing a Spleen due to surgeon error, and am allergic to Pencillin, I have to take clarithromycin daily ( immunity issues) which cannot be taken with Lansoprazole due to causing arrhythmic heart, therefore I got prescribed "Rabeprazole". This has worked very well and cleared my acid reflux up, when being prescribed it, my doctor murmured something about it being expensive but I may be wrong. Maybe it would help you too, I hope this helps.
Also find about LINX magnetic band if HH is of lesser grade.
Else look up Nissen Fundonplication 360 surgery.
Any medication will try manage the symptoms due to reflux but cant cure HH. It requires surgical intervention.
Good luck.