I'm taking Lansoprazole and Ranitidene and neither are helping. I'd like to try natural remedies if possible. Does anyone know what might help
Acid reflux problems: I'm taking... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Acid reflux problems

Look up apple cider vinegar. My husband has just started on it and it seems to be really effective
I'm sorry to hear this reflux is severely unpleasant particularly if it's bile. I too had reflux but went off ranitidine and Omeprazole and focused on eating less, leaving time after meals before lying down, and using an anti acid ( gaviscon for example) to attack symptoms when they occur. I have no oesophagus and little stomach so need to keep as upright as possible and sleep propped on a few pillows. Without knowing anything about your situation it's not possible to do anything other than share my experience...
Gaviscon goes some way to removing the aftertaste of reflux so has an additional benefit. Good luck
Thankyou fo your reply. I would love to stop taking the Lansoprazole and Ranitidene, but i've been told you shouldn't stop them straight away, you should be weaned off them, or my reflux could end up worse. Nothing seems to be helping, so a trip back to my GP i think, even though she has no interest. That's why i wanted to try and help myself and do it naturally. I wondered if trying Alie Vera juice may help and a digestive enzyme.
Elliott, an exact mix from the two posts above, Apple Cider vinegar has been a god send to me but I still use Gaviscon and watch my diet.
Hi, I believe that you should take the meds before bed, that is when they will be most beneficial. Also, try and drink a little water before bed to flush your stomach. Also, ensure you finish eating a few hours before bed and your bed is propped up at the head end. Apologies if you have already tried all of above.
It took me about 6 months to ween off Nexium, you need to do this slowly other wise you could find the symptoms worse.
hope that helps.
I was taking lansoprazole, gaviscon, Rennie's for over a year then after an extremely bad bout of reflux , burning in my throat etc I was told I'd had a heart attack and within 4 days had a stent fitted into a heart valve that was almost completely closed, yet 2 years prior, I'd had a full 3d colour scan of my heart and it was 100% fine!! Just thought I'd share that xx hope its not your heart xx
Thankyou for your reply, a lot of good advice. I don't think the Lansoprazole and Ranitidene are working, as i take them and my throat still burns like mad. Someone said that maybe my stomach ISN'T making enough acid and that's why they aren't working. So i tried Apple Cider Vinegar, and i was a lot worse. I'm going to try Silicol Gel next as it helps heal the gullet. Then go see my GP and see if she can wean me off the ppi meds. I don't want to be on them forever. I've heard they do long term damage.
Thankyou for the link it was very helpful.
Great comments and contributions above, but if you have had an oesophagectomy and have thereby lost your lower oesophageal sphincter you have to be realistic about what may be possible. For some, PPIs will be a fact of life indefinitely.
PEPRTAC works very elll for me. A