I need some advice, reassurance, please. I'm new here...
My History: Bear with me...
Feb 2016 I was diagnosed with "gravel" in my gall bladder whilst having an ultrasound for something else and was told they shouldn't bother me so I thought nothing of it.
Nov 2016 I experienced horrendous pain in the center of stomach, under my breast bone (where the bra lies) that went around to my back on both sides. The pain was sudden and such that I ended up in A&E. I was given painkillers, a saline solution, some buscopan and had an x-ray. About 6 hours later the symptoms ebbed away and after seeing no blockages on the chest x-ray I was released with the Dr thinking it was either the gall stones or gastroenteritis. I did not have any repeat of this pain and went back to eating as before.
Feb 2017 as a follow on from this episode I was sent for an endoscopy which found nothing apart from some duodenitis and evidence of mild gastro. I was given Omperazole for 2 months. No continuous pain at this time.
Aug 2017 I had another episode (gall stone attack presumably) and ended up in A&E twice within 48hrs. The pain was unbelievable and constant. Blood was taken, I had another chest x-ray, slightly elevated white blood count but otherwise all normal. The pain this time was in the same place in my stomach (center, top under breast bone) but went around to the right side of my back only - again it dissipated about 6-8 hours after the initial onset. I had had a Sunday Roast before this August attack, was sent home from A&E and told to eat plain food, I decided I would have eggs and almost immediately after eating the eggs I was in trouble again so back to A&E with the next attack. Eggs, I know now are a trigger for a gall stone attack....I don't remember having much indigestion or pain between the Nov 2016 attack to this Aug 2017 attack.
After another awful experience I am now very afraid of eating anything in case it happens again. I am eating very bland food - white toast, grilled chicken, weetabix, white pasta, white fish, apples, banana - things that are easy to digest. I've just added cucumber and homemade soups - no butter, no cheese. I'm not starving myself but have reduced my meal size. I have lost 21lbs since the August attack to date. I do need to lose weight but not necessarily this way. I often have pain in my stomach now in the same place - feels burning and irritated on and off during the day, doesn't matter if I have eaten or not, I am burping all the time, feel full after small amounts of food.
I am really worried and feel quite stressed out about it all.
Sep 2017 I saw a Gastro Specialist who put me back on Omeprozole again (I don't get the point of this medication - makes no difference to me at all) and sent me for another ultra-sound which found that I have lots of little gall stones that are "buoyant". However, despite all that I have told him and the results of the scan the specialist is not convinced it is gall stones but has referred me to see a surgeon to see if they feel removing my gall bladder would be helpful - a sort of second opinion. I told him I was going crazy and convinced myself that I had stomach cancer but he said it was unlikely as the endoscopy 8 months ago showed up all clear. The problem is that the specialist has given me NO idea of what else it could be if not the gall stones. I have no peace of mind and only more doubts now.
As I type this I have a burning, tingly, irritated sensation at the point where you breastbone meets the soft part in the center of your body. I also have a burning feeling low down in the back of my throat - I had weetabix for breakfast at 7.30am, it's now midday. It is driving me crazy.
Does this sound like GERD/acid reflux to you together with gall stones?
Is it just the stress of it all causing this feeling?
Should I ask for another endoscopy?
I am going to phone my GP later this week to follow-up the referral to the surgeon by the Specialist but I am also going to ask more about these continuous symptoms as I am not happy with things so far.
Thought I would run this past all of you in the meantime in case anyone has/had a similar experience. Thank you