The fact that I have social anxiety is very upsetting. It’s so bad now to the point I’m nervous in public all the time. Today I had a dr appointment and the nurse asked me a question and out of nowhere I got nervous and panicky. I really felt like I was going to say something random or offensive. That’s when my anxiety / ocd brain took over and convinced me that I had done just that . I absolutely hate this feeling . It used to be so easy for me to make conversations and not feel uncomfortable, now I worry about what I’m saying 24/7😞
Social anxiety : The fact that I have social... - OCD Support
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Social anxiety
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I too get anxious and panicky in situations when I’m around people but some times I don’t and I credit that to God.
I get those same feelings of how I’m going to mess up my words or say something stupid or random and all that, but I just pray before going into any situation and then just trust that God is with me and will help me speak the right words. And if I don’t or if I mess up, just remembering that it’s okay and I still have a chance to recover because everyone makes mistakes. And it’s not about impressing others because if our mindset is all about impressing others, then basically their approval becomes our god. And it’s not healthy to serve a false god like that because we will be chasing approval of others in fear our whole lives and be let down.
But God of heaven will not let us down because He’s the Creator of all things and has a purpose for our lives. “All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose.”
So I try to remember that, although I do forget at times. So that is why I pray so I don’t forget and ask for help. The New Testament scriptures really have helped me to gain a better perspective on life and deal with my insecurities.
I hope that it will have the same effect for you! God be with you and bless your life!