hi I’m new to this forum I’m suffering anxiety and ocd intrusive thoughts life’s becoming living hell atm been given mitrazapine any advice cxx
Ocd intrusive thoughts and anxiety: hi I’m new... - OCD Support
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Ocd intrusive thoughts and anxiety

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I can Totally relate... I went through 3 years of intrusive thoughts, everyone in the book, harm, sexual, gay, EVERYTHING! MY OCD was off the charts! I was afraid to be with family, in the public, even by myself, I was afraid of the world, and just survived everyday... I am now past surviving, I am thriving and at peace... I was on mirtazapine, ativan, klonopin, and just about every drug imaginable... I had HORRIBLE experiences with them and even worse WD.... I now take saffron oil and cbd oil only, and am the happiest and most calm I have ever been... I used to ruminate, obsess and hyperfocus, like you would not believe... Add that to intrusive thoughts and you can understand how hard it was for me.... I can now easily brush things off and be in the moment 100% , something I could never do for the first 48 years of my life... I still get those occasional intrusive thoughts, and can now tell them to f$%# off, or laugh at them.... Just know they are only thoughts, we ALL have them, no matter how scary! I am here for you, if you'd like to talk more in depth
Adam where do you get these oils from?
Give the mitrazepine a go. Medication can take the worst of the OCD off. Most side effects do wear off after a few weeks, though some may be longer term. If it doesn't suit you, try another medication.
But medication can only take you so far. CBT can help you confront the OCD. I know how difficult OCD can make things, but you can improve.
CBT is best if you have a therapist who can guide you and direct you, but you can do it yourself with a self help book. I've been helped particularly by Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and The OCD Workbook, but there are many others.
Don't stop the meds until you've given them a go. They can be very helpful. But do make sure anything else you take doesn't react adversely with the meds.
By all means try CBD oil. I don't know if it is helpful or not, as I haven't tried it. But perhaps best to ask your doctor or psychiatrist.
Some people don't get on with meds at all, but that doesn't mean they don't work. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that anything 'natural' is automatically better than medication.
Plenty of physical exercise, if you can manage it, is good for your mind as well as body. That's one natural remedy that is known to work! But don't feel you have to pump iron or go on the treadmill at the gym.
Learning to deal with intrusive thoughts isn't easy but it does work. And medication can make it easier to do. It's about not pushing the thoughts away, but not holding onto them either. Easier said than done, but it can be done.
Mirtazipine is a relatively new antidepressant and as such it can help with anxiety,. But I think you can go back to the doctor and make a case for specific medication for depression and , separately for anxiety.
For intrusive thoughts, I have found that the ACT technique is more effective than CBT - try not to react to intrusive thoughts, let them be and they will loose their power. The more you fight them with compulsions, thoughts or actions, the stronger they become and they proliferate. So, as odd as it may sound, you need to bring yourself to a state where you dont give much importance to what comes to your mind.
Intrusive thoughts are unwanted and generate anxiety that you have to deal with, one way or another.
Ask for something that helps you have a restful night s sleep - the difference is significant.
I take Lorazepam for anti anxiety and Fluozxetine for depression and quitapine for balancing moods. This latter gives me a good night sleep,.
Lorazepam seems to be a taboo with the NHS in England, in view of their beliefs in its dependancy. But which antianxiety does not procure some dependancy?
In would rather stay dependent and relatively healthy than going crazy and not dependent. !
be well
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