Does anyone feel and think different to how you used to before you had OCD? I feel a little bit different, before I was much quicker my life was completely different. I suffered from a lot of high stress and it makes me slower now with my brain so I now take natural supplements that help me support my thinking. I just wondered if anyone else can relate? and what drug do you take if it's not a SSRI?
Does anyone feel different ?: Does anyone feel... - OCD Support
OCD Support
Does anyone feel different ?
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I took for granted the ability to go where I wanted when I wanted, and do whatever I wanted! I think there has always been OCD in me, and I can date symptoms from when I was about ten or eleven or earlier! But it didn't stop me doing things until I was older.
I've had periods of relative remission, and have been able to act, if not completely normally, then almost normally, at least on the outside!
Having OCD does slow you down. I don't take natural supplements, though I have tried Rhodiola Rosea. I'm not sure it had much effect, but I discontinued it mainly because it was so expensive and I couldn't afford to keep on with it.
I keep meaning to go back to Pilates, which doesn't make you feel that you are exerting yourself much while you are doing it, but makes you feel really good afterwards, as though your batteries have been recharged! The core muscles certainly feel it afterwards as well!
How do you get on with the natural supplements? Do they help?