I know this isn’t really OCD but does anyone know how I can become more confident and stop being so down about myself.these last two days has just been embarrassment after embarrassment and it’s really starting to get me down. One little incident literally brings me right down to a zero😫
Bit different : I know this isn’t really OCD but... - OCD Support
OCD Support
Bit different
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It is quite normal to feel like that at your age! Teenagers have always felt like that. It goes with the territory, as you establish yourself as an adult with your own identity, and declare your independence.
But it is good to acquire a little confidence and self-belief. Remember that we all feel that we have embarrassed ourselves occasionally and that nobody can possibly like us or take us seriously because of it. But people still do!
Try not to beat yourself up about everything you do. Even if you want to crawl into a hole with embarrassment, others are likely to think much better of you than you think they do. In fact just when you think you have really messed up, other people might think you have done rather well! Try not to overthink things, and don't go over your mistakes in your head until your self-esteem is at the bottom. It's so easy to bully yourself! There are some books that can help, such as Mind over Mood and Women Who Think Too Much.
No doubt you will make mistakes, as we all do. I certainly do! Try to give yourself a break, and remember that you have qualities that other people cherish and value, and that you are worth a great deal.
Yeah it’s very true what ur saying thank u but I just want to be able to feel 100% confident about the the way I look but that’s when the ocd comes in and I constantly worry if I’ve smudged my lipstick and stuff like that mainly around certain people tho I have got a lot better today
I know how that is! I remember how I used to take ages to do my makeup and then redo it when I got to where I was going out to! I think most teenagers are like that. But it does get better. And eventually you realize that people don't expect you to be perfect, and in fact like you better for not being perfect. Try not to be around people who make you feel bad if you've smudged your lipstick and things, if you can. I'm glad that you are feeling a bit better now, but if it gets really bad then do talk to whoever is dealing with your OCD. Body dysmorphic disorder, or BDD, is very similar to OCD, and they are treated as part of the same condition. But that doesn't mean you've necessarily got it. Nobody feels 100% confident about their appearance. If only my legs were thinner! But just get used to feeling comfortable in your own skin.
Yeah I totally thanks for the advice it actually does make me see that maybe I’m not perfect but the right people in my life don’t care about my imperfections or don’t see them and even in the near future I will find someone that loves me for who I am hopefully 😂❤️
maisie i'm the exact same way i have bad and it takes over my life. I'm so hard on my body and my image
It is very hard but you just need to tell yourself you look good,find something you like about yourself then embrace it❤️
That is what I try to do but why is it so dam hard
Yeah I think that I’m wearing a really tight red dress tonight to go out so hopefully I can feel good in that❤️
I’m sure you will look great. You going on a date or with girlfriends
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