Advice needed please: Hi. Im not sure how to... - OCD Support

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Advice needed please

Lee270780 profile image
5 Replies

Hi. Im not sure how to explain this one, i cant seem to find anyone else suffering from it and its scaring me. First of all its my inner voice like the voice you would say “oh look theres a nice house” that voice but it just jumps to a negative nasty comment about someone or a reply to a question in my head when someone speaks talks i will say something sarcastic or nasty in my head and im scared it will just come out hence i know have to process everything first before i say it. I dont know if its just because i am in a highly anxious state just now, doc seems to think its nothing to worry about but its really scaring me. I also find myself questioning every little thing i do? Even down to do i want a cup of tea? How do i know if i want one, its the same with talking and moving but it eases off if im distracted and i just do things naturally but then my brain suddenly jumps back into action to remind me i was worrying about this? Is this just another form of intrusive thoughts? Any help would be greatly appreciated

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5 Replies
Sallyskins profile image

This isn't an unusual form of OCD at all. It tries to make you think you will do something you really wouldn't do. It's not that dissimilar to the sort of OCD where people thing they are going to harm somebody, or stab somebody.

In this case, you are afraid of hurting someone with words. It's all the sharper because we normally say stuff without thinking too much about it first. Speech is, if not always automatic, not far off it, and the words are often out before we've formulated them. So it's a fear of doing something automatically without thinking.

I've often thought that maybe I said something I shouldn't have, such as giving out personal information or saying something unpleasant to someone. But I know I haven't. The problem with OCD is that it like to put a tiny doubt in your mind, then you ruminate on it and it become a big doubt.

I too have had the questioning the littlest thing. Shall I have this cereal or that one this morning, or which bottle of milk should I take out of the fridge first? Again, it's the OCD putting tiny doubts in your head, making you unsure of what you are doing. It makes a semi-automatic act a deliberate one.

The best therapy is to just get on and do things, and don't ruminate over them. Put them out of your mind for the moment, and tell yourself you can think about them in a few hours. Then the likelihood is that you've forgotten all about them.

I know how OCD takes the spontaneity out of what you do. It makes whatever you do a deliberate act, with accompanying doubts. It's typical of OCD.

Lee270780 profile image
Lee270780 in reply to Sallyskins

Thank you so much. Lately i just feel like i ask myself question after question as you say which milk should i use then i say but why did i choose that one and not that one. Almost like i need to re-learn to trust myself again. I think its the same thing with my inner voice i am bringing it on because im expecting nasty comments to come. It worries me though that im hearing voices when i know im not or that somehow im being taken over by something and cant think straight. Like im putting the thoughts into my mind for the sake of it just to try and shock myself? Does that make sense?

Thanks sally

Sallyskins profile image
Sallyskins in reply to Lee270780

A lot of people are afraid that they are 'hearing voices'. But that isn't the case with OCD. That does make sense, though, that you put the thoughts into your mind by being aware of them. In trying to suppress them, you are making yourself think them.

saxman20 profile image
saxman20 in reply to Sallyskins

Very true what Sallyskins said. It’ll happen to me that I think “don’t think about xyz” but I end up thinking about it anyway! Its like telling someone not to do something, but they get an even stronger urge to do it; the same thing happens with our mind and thoughts. Observing the thoughts is a good thing to do and not ruminating is a good way to help you move forward. Also, what you’re experiencing isn’t hearing voices, it’s called metacognitions and is super common in people with OCD. Hang in there Lee, you’re not alone.

TheOCDfight profile image

Hi Lee,

Firstly I sincerely apologise for not getting back to you.

I myself have ocd and have had one of the worst weeks I've had in years.

But that's not what is important. I know and have the ocd Swiss army knife to get through it.

I'll send another message shortly.

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