No, i've not miraculously been cured...but i did manage a fairly 'good day'. I was off work today, because my son was sick etc. So i kept him home with me opposed to going with Grandad now its the summer holidays. Yes, my ocd was present, but i don't feel it squeezed me tightly, until the life started to drain from my body. I laughed, smiled. We're working our way through the harry potter films at the moment. Sat and cuddled my son, tickled him, looked at his creative artwork, watched him having fun helping me prepare a dessert. Lots, and more. I even managed to start a hood chunk of my hoarding mountain in the living room of paperwork, lists etc. I tried to be more realistic and chuck stuff in the bin too. Maybe there is hope for me/us yet...
if you feel like you have hit rock bottom like me lately. I guess the only way is UP. Dont give matter how dark it may seem. The light may just creep in to guide you from the most unexpected place. X